Another day, another ‘Mohammed’ another dangerous and unwanted ‘asylum seeker’.


Often, when I mix with or encounter open borders Leftists, or those who have misinterpreted religious rules about hospitality to include potentially dangerous ‘refugees’, I meet with either incredulity or hostility when I tell them that disagree with their cause. They fail to understand that those who they are supporting are too often bringing problems to the nations in which they are settled and the communities on which these ‘refugees’ have been dumped. I am accused of being ‘callous’ or ‘hateful’ or ‘racist’ or even ‘going against G-d’s commandments’ when I say to those favourable to the entry of these ‘refugees’ that I disagree. They are shocked and extremely ‘triggered’ when I tell them that we should be mindful that these ‘refugees’ often come from incompatible cultures and that our primary duty should be to protect our fellow citizens, not these often dangerous and fake ‘refugees’.

Sadly, as is so often the case, my position of caution regarding the issue of Muslim ‘refugees’ is being proven to be far more correct than that of the various clerics, middle class Leftists and similar who tell me that I’m wrong. Daily there is ample evidence that the ‘refugees’ that my opponents wish to bring in are causing social, cultural and political problems. It is now patently obvious that the savages being brought in dishonestly passed off as ‘refugees’ are not the same as those who were brought to Britain many years ago as part of the Kindertransport and no amount of dishonest comparisons between the fake ‘refugees’ of today and the Kindertransport can erase that fact.

There has been case after case, incident after incident to show that these ‘refugees’ are not fleeing danger but are instead bringing danger with them. From the Cologne New Years Eve mass Islamic sex attack to the bombing of a London Tube station, those who have come into the civilised world as Muslim ‘refugees’ have distinguished themselves by the amount and level of their hatefulness and their savagery.

The latest of these cases of fake ‘refugees’ behaving like the savages that they are comes from the Daily Mail which has a story about a Muslim asylum seeker who raped a woman who was leaving a Cardiff nightclub. The Muslim, unsurprisingly called ‘Mohammed’ as so many of these savages are, targeted a young woman leaving her 18th birthday party, steered her back to his flat and brutally raped her. The savage then used the porous border between the UK and the Republic of Ireland to flee from the pursuing police but was brought back to the UK to face such justice as the courts hand out to these rapist Muslim savages.

The savage in question, Mohamed Amin aged 39, apparently came to Britain as an asylum seeker from Egypt which raises the question: ‘why was this savage here and not in some safe first country’? Amin denied raping the girl and claimed that the girl was consenting however, he was found guilty by a jury and was given a 14 year gaol sentence. Unfortunately, because of the way that Britain’s parole system works, this savage Mohammedan rapist will probably be out and back on the streets in a mere 7 years or so. What is worse is that he will probably end up a much greater Islamic threat to the rest of us when he is released such is the influence of Islamic extremists in our prisons. I do hope that Amin is, as the Judge demanded, deported from the UK on completion of his sentence but I have some doubt that this will happen due to the plethora of Leftist and Islamic groups who will fight this savage’s deportation on ‘human rights’ grounds. I say that we should cease to grant human rights to such inhuman and depraved Islamic savages.

A girl has been raped, a young woman has been mentally scarred for life by the actions of this worthless savage who attacked her on her birthday and it is because someone, somewhere let this savage in to the UK, or campaigned for him to be admitted. Both the civil servants who allowed this savage to enter the UK and the ‘refugees welcome’ types who shroudwave about ‘poor refugees’ should have been in the dock with Amin. After all it is those parties who have facilitated and approved of Amin’s entry to the UK, who put this savage in a position where he could rape a young woman. If this savage, along with the thousands of other Islamic savages like him had never set foot on our shores, then the carnage and grief that these Muslims have brought would never have been visited on the innocent victims of this savage ideology and often equally savage followers.

I look at the ‘refugees welcome’ types, both those with political and religious motivations and I see a group of people suffering from a sort of voluntary collective madness. The evidence for their folly is obvious to those who care to look, but they refuse to see it, preferring instead the comforting lie that they are ‘helping the oppressed’ by bringing ‘refugees’ to the UK. Those who still insist on getting involved in ‘refugee’ projects have in my view gone beyond basic stupidity and are now, as a Biblical prophet once said, are doing evil and calling that evil a virtue.