Mocking tyranny Geert Wilders style

Mohammed says 'Pull my finger'


Tyrants hate mockery, some of the first actions that tyrants take when they gain power whether in a company or community group, a faith or a nation, is to crack down hard on those who mock the tyrant. Mockery is a weapon that a tyrant fears because it undermines their perceived sense of ‘dignity’ and it is also a weapon that can pass from hand to hand among the oppressed very quickly and sometimes with great and devastating effect for the tyrant. The awful and terrible tyrannies of Communism and Fascism both disliked jokes about those who led them and sometimes punished harshly those who mocked these systems from within.

Islam is also a tyranny, but not one with a living leader, instead it is one where their leader although dead and buried, still has a baleful influence from beyond the grave. Just like the other tyrannies named above, Islam also hates mockery as it undermines the religious authority of Islamic clerics. Mocking Islam may also be a lifeline for those who are trapped within Islam and who desperately want to leave. Sometimes quietly taking the piss out of the lunacies of Islam may be the only way that some apostates in Islamic lands can internally resist Islam and stay sane.

Islam especially hates mockery of Mohammed, the child rapist murdering robber who Muslims claim is the founder of Islam and whose twisted life Muslims are exhorted to emulate. The position of Mohammed in the cult of Islam and the evidence that this was a man who committed terrible atrocities during his lifetime, makes Mohammed himself a target rich environment.

Because I know the power of mockery and know that such mockery encourages many Muslims to completely lose their shit and expose what Islam is really all about (hint: It’s not a religion of peace) I was delighted to hear of a new Mohammed cartoon competition. Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who recently spoke at London’ s #FreeTommy demonstration, is putting together a Draw Mohammed competition, which by necessity will be judged at a secure location. According to a report in the Daily Mail dated 12th June 2018, Mr Wilders will be running the Draw Mohammed competition from his secure offices at the Dutch Parliament building and the competition will be judged by the ex Muslim cartoonist and Islam critic Bosch Fawstin.

The competition will be a major weapon in the battle to preserve or regain freedom of speech rights in Europe, rights that have been increasingly lost as government’s throw these freedoms away in order to pander to Muslims and their sense of permanent ‘offence’ when it comes to criticism of the ideology of Islam. We are, through various ‘hate speech’ laws, sleepwalking into a de facto Islamic blasphemy law with any criticism of Islam and it’s badly behaved ‘prophet’ increasingly being outlawed.

Mocking the Islamic cult for its idiocies, its hatreds, its backwardness, its oppressions and its dodgy ‘prophet’ is vital if we are to preserve and enhance our freedoms. I fully support Mr Wilders on this plan. We cannot truly call ourselves free if we are not allowed to speak critically of Islam just as people are free to speak freely about other religious faiths and about politics. By announcing this Draw Mohammed cartoon competition Mr Wilders has planted his battle standard. All those who are critical of Islam and who are favourable to the concept of free speech should, at least on this occasion, rally round this standard and Mr Wilders by supporting this competition. If we do not mock Islam then Islam will destroy us all.