My dear American friends – An apology.

A previous anti Trump protest in London - Note the preponderance of placards from the Socialist Workers Party a small Marxist group with little broad support


I would like to take this opportunity, as a British subject, at a time when President Donald Trump is visiting the United Kingdom to apologise for a few things. No I’m not, for the historically minded, going to apologise for the regrettable unpleasantness that occurred between our countries in the very early part of the 19th century, that was then when things were different, but for something a bit more contemporary.

I’d like to say sorry for Britain’s unwashed, violent, childish, poorly informed and politically unwise Left wing demonstrators who are turning out in their thousands to protest President Trump. I truly don’t believe that these left wing demonstrators represent the majority of opinion in Britain when it comes to President Trump. It should not be forgotten that there are a vast number of people who are politically ambivalent and are also ambivalent to President Trump and his administration’s policies. Such people neither approve or disapprove of President Trump and often have little interest in politics either the politics of the USA or, for me more worryingly as a Briton, the politics of the UK.

There are also those Britons, some say a silent majority of us, who support some or all of President Trump’s ideas. They like his nationalism, his perceived hostility to terrorism and jihad and his support for Western values. I see far more of such people in Britain than many in the mainstream media would like to admit. I put this support for Mr Trump down to it being a case of in a land of politically correct political ‘soy boys’,which Britain is, the loud, brash and unashamedly pro-Western culture style and message of President Trump makes a nice change. The contrast between Mr Trump and Mrs Theresa May the UK Prime Minister is very stark. Mr Trump speaks of defending America, strengthening its borders, improving America’s economy and making America great again. On the other hand a lot of what we the public see and hear from Mrs May’s government shows us that we have rulers that chip away at Britain’s defences, props open our borders so the scum of the earth can enter, mismanages the economy and who are quite relaxed about Britain being a vassal state of the European Union. It is this dynamism and love for country and concern for its people that attracts a lot of Britons to President Trump as it is so different in both style and content from how we are currently governed.

The point I am making here, and I would like this blog’s American readers to note this, is that Britain and its politics are not monolithic. There is a variety of opinion here and not all of it, whatever the impression you may get from the mainstream media, is hostile to President Trump. Much of the protest against Trump is being driven by the metropolitan Left which is predominantly middle class, has a lot of students and public sector workers (especially those from the more parasitical parts of the public sector) within it, and is often divorced from the concerns of ordinary people. As I age, I’m seeing less and less working class pragmatic leftists and many more ideologically driven middle class leftists coming to the fore in Left wing politics. This in my view is why the ‘metro-left’ is primarily concerned with stuff like open borders, minority issue extremism, hostility to America and speech control.

This ‘metro-left’ is also exceedingly wealthy and can afford to bus in thousands of brainwashed, naïve and sometimes extreme protesters. A brief search around shows me that trade unions, so called ‘anti racism’ groups and far left parties such as the Socialist Workers Party are laying on what looks like subsidised coaches to London from all over the place. As a former Leftist myself I have been on these subsidised coaches and they are often much cheaper than standard public transport. This is an added incentive to those on the fringes of leftist political activity to attend big demonstrations.

The mainstream media may make a bit of fuss about the expected high numbers at the anti Trump demonstration but it should be remembered that it’s dead easy to get a few thousand people out on the streets when wealthy organisations are subsidising the participants travel. As an aside, it is this disparity in resources that makes the high numbers attending recent free speech, patriot and Free Tommy demonstrations so impressive. Very few of those attending these marches of the right would have had subsidised transport, we pay full fare. Most of the attendees at patriot demonstrations (unlike the leftist demonstrators) have jobs that they’ve taken annual leave from in order to attend the demo and on top of that, as Britain is not a free country, people find their livelihoods threatened for attending these demonstrations of the Right.

The disparity in wealth and of available resources between the Left and the Right in the UK means that it is dead easy for leftists to push their cause and get boots on the ground, much easier than it is to get demonstrations that are related to issues that hold the attention and have the concern of many more Britons than those who are opposed to President Trump, such as the issue of Islamic Rape Gangs for example. This means that however big a leftist demonstration is, it is probably not representative of the mood of the country as a whole. Leftist demonstrations are often in my experience a sort of Potemkin Village and are too often stage managed by small but extreme groups like the Socialist Workers Party.

When my American friends see lots of demonstrators out on the streets of London with their childish Trump blimp, they should not short-sightedly dismiss all of Her Majesty’s subjects as being in agreement with these Lefties. We are not. As a Briton I know that these Lefties do not represent majority opinion, although it may seem that way from the way the ‘media party’ behaves.

I for one welcome President Trump’s visit to the UK and and am more than supportive of the President’s decision to attend an event at Windsor Castle where he will meet Her Majesty the Queen and senior political leaders. It’s a shame that due to the sort of time management and security concerns and that surround the person of the US President, he could not meet any ordinary Britons on this trip. This is because if he did he may have found that many of the President’s concerns such as those regarding issues of excessive and illegal migration, are also shared with many on this side of the Pond. The world is not always as it is portrayed by the political classes or the media.

To conclude, I’d like to apologise again for Britain’s childish, unrepresentative and ludicrous Left wing scum. This lefty scum is no more representative of Britain and our nation and culture than are the stabby and self detonating Muslim terrorists that have caused untold grief here.

Welcome President Trump, I hope you enjoy your visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as you are an ally not just of Britain itself, but of those who wish to see Western values predominate in Western lands.