Alleged Muslim involvement in Worcester acid attack on toddler. Are we at all surprised?

A view of the city of Worcester where this latest example of imported savagery, an attack on a toddler, occurred.


By now many British readers will be somewhat familiar with the horrific story of the toddler who was the victim of an acid attack at a Home Bargains store in Worcester in the English Midlands.

It is a story that has shocked the nation and rightly so. Like many I assumed that this crime was and the criminals who are allegedly behind it, had come to our shores from savage and uncivilised cultures. I looked at this disgusting tale and it was quite plain early on that the alleged perpetrators and other said to be involved in this crime were not indigenous Britons, nor were they settled migrants from civilised lands or cultures.

It turns out that I and others were correct to assume that there was a link between this attack and the sort of ambulant human sewage that have been allowed to flood into Britain for at least twenty years or so. Investigations by the British press give strong reasons to believe that this crime has the involvement of both savage Muslims and the almost equally savage and very often unprincipled Roma/Romani community.

The Daily Mail has in my opinion done a fine job of using the basic journalistic skill of ‘doorknocking’ in the areas where the attack occurred and where suspects have been arrested to dig up information about this case. The Mail has spoken to people who appear to be knowledgeable about those allegedly involved in the attack and the background to it. What emerges is a picture of the sort of social mess that the multiculturalists and the ‘refugees welcome’ and open borders types have imposed upon us. I find I have to commend the Mail for investigating this case much more deeply than some journalists may have done and have done some digging rather than just rely on press releases and statements about the case put out by West Mercia Police.

According to the Mail the background to this case lies in a Muslim marital dispute tinged with allegations of domestic abuse and Muslim male anger at a woman choosing to abandon the Islamic full face veil. The Mail story makes shocking reading and although this piece will contain excerpts from it I would strongly advise readers to go to this source to get the full story. The Mail journalists seem to have managed dig up a lot of detail about the case which is worth reading if you want to see the sort of scum that we or rather our Leftist leaders have been importing.

The Daily Mail said:

The father of the three-year-old boy doused in acid while shopping with his mother has been arrested and is being questioned over the attack.

The 39-year-old suspect, an Afghan asylum seeker who has not been named, was the first suspect detectives held after the boy was targeted while sitting in a pushchair during a shopping trip to Home Bargains with his mother.

Three other younger men are also being grilled in connection with Saturday afternoon’s horrific attack in Worcester after they were arrested 130 miles away in Walthamstow.

They are reportedly eastern Europeans from the Romani community and accomplished bare-knuckle fighters, their east London neighbours said.

The arrest of the father of the boy who is the woman’s former partner is very telling here as is the fact that the family come from Afghanistan, one of the most backward Islamic shitholes on the planet. This arrest of the boy’s father puts this attack very much into the context of Islamic gyno-hatred and misogyny. According to the Daily Mail the Afghan couple fled Afghanistan eleven years ago and settled in Wolverhampton about 35 miles away from Worcester where the acid attack took place. The relationship between the Afghan couple was said by the Mail to be ‘stormy’ and it eventually broke down with the woman moving to Worcester with her children. The Mail also alleges that when the relationship broke down the woman freed herself from the shackles of Islamic misogyny and stopped wearing the full face veil and took her children to Worcester. This enraged the Afghan man who became enraged about being denied access to the children of the relationship.

From reading the Mail report, it appears that the Afghan man whose employment is given as a taxi driver, managed to locate his former partner when a picture of her appeared in a local newspaper. It is this that appears to have been the driver of the attack which was aimed not at the child but at the mother. Sadly for the innocent child the attack on the woman was bungled and it was the child that seemed to bear the brunt of of the acid attack.

The Mail added:

When the pair were in a relationship she would wear a full veil but in recent years had removed it and moved to an address in Worcester 30 miles away with the children.

It is believed the estranged father discovered the whereabouts of his wife when a photo appeared in a local newspaper showing one of the children at a local event. 

It is alleged that the gang bungled the attack and the three-year-old got splashed with the noxious substance accidentally in the process.


According to police reports relayed by the Mail, the Afghan man is being held on suspicion of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm but no charges have been laid against him as yet. I believe that it is unlikely that we will ever know the name of this Afghan savage, as there is likely to be court and post court reporting restrictions in place in order to protect the identity and location of the victims of this crime. However, despite this possible restriction, it is probably safe to say that it appears that this Afghan seems to be just another example of the sort of violent Islamic scum that Britain has imported and which have been to the great detriment of both indigenous Britons and settled integrated migrants. Worryingly, here we have a situation that seems to suggest that some violent Muslims are working together with the equally violent Roma and this is something that should worry both British subjects and British law enforcement. Both the Muslim community and the Roma community are notably violent and hate filled and although one case does not indicate a wider problem, it’s right that we are concerned about the possibility of adherents to these two dangerous and unwanted cultures, Roma and Islamic, working together in criminal enterprises in the United Kingdom.

I’m pleased to hear that the little boy is now out of hospital and recovering as best he can but this is a child that would never have been injured in this awful attack if our governments had never imported the sort of human drek that appear to be behind it. This case is a classic example of how importing people from savage cultures then you will get savagery.

I can’t help but wonder whether this woman and her children could have been better protected by the police. It’s pretty obvious to me as a layman that there were allegations of domestic abuse here surrounding this case and because of that there may well have been a social services / police paper trail that would show this. This information would have told West Mercia Police to be especially aware of potential harm that could be aimed at what is plainly a vulnerable person at risk of assault from her and her former partner’s associates. At the very least a panic button and CCTV could have been installed at the woman’s home in Worcester and she could have been given the facility to relay to the police any potential threats she may encounter. Although such measures would not have prevented an attack in a public place, it may have at least provided enough evidence as regards suspicious people hanging around the woman’s home area, for the police to advise the woman on extra security measures.

If there are police failings over keeping the victims of this crime and other crimes safer than they were then we need to ask West Mercia Police whether they would be better off spending the money they spent on a ‘hate crime awareness’ roadshow on real police officers to help prevent real crimes. The West Mercia area has seen a recent uptick in domestic violence, child sexual exploitation and cyber crime offences and it is in these area where the police should be spending our money, not on putting out publicity telling people not to tell certain jokes.

This was a terrible crime, of a type that we did not see or only saw rarely prior to the entry into Britain of the retarded cultures of Islam and the Roma. I hope that if these people are convicted of the crimes that they are likely to be charged with, that the Judge sends them down for a long time.

3 Comments on "Alleged Muslim involvement in Worcester acid attack on toddler. Are we at all surprised?"

  1. Philip Copson | July 25, 2018 at 10:11 am |

    The DM account and your comments differ from others in saying that the child received acid burns as the result of a “bungled” attack on the mother.
    The first accounts I saw on-line said that the 3-year boy was deliberately targeted, and today’s Daily Express (Weds 25/7) says the same thing – it twice quotes Worcester police as saying that the child was targeted, and the second reference is a quote attributed to Chief Superintendent Mark Travis.
    Presumably the police know what they are talking about here, and the DM are wrong despite their praiseworthy investigative journalism ?

  2. May or not be relevant (from Wikipedia): “…Romanies have usually adopted the predominant religion of the host country. Islam among Romanies is historically associated with life of Romanies within the Ottoman Empire. Correspondingly, significant cultural minorities of Muslim Roma are found in Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria (by mid-1990s estimates, Muslim Roma in Bulgaria constituted about 40% of Roma in Bulgaria.[1]), Romania (a very small Muslim Romani group exist in the Dobruja region of Romania, comprising 1% of the country’s Romani population)[2]), Croatia (45% of the country’s Romani population[3]), Southern Russia, Greece (a small part of Muslim Roma concentrated in Thrace), Crimea and the Caucasus. Because of the relative ease of migration in modern times, Muslim Roma may be found in other parts of the world as well…” (

    Additional: “…Most Romani people are Christian, others Muslim, some retained their ancient faith of Hinduism from their original homeland of India, others have their own religion and political organization…” (

  3. Addendum to my previous comment: I gather the Roma involved are Slovaks (; the majority religion in Slovakia is Christian (mainly Latin and Byzantine Catholics).

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