Murderous savage intent on killing Christians ends up killing only himself

Cairo the capital of Egypt


There is an old saying, one that used to go around when I was a child, which was ‘The Lord pays debts without money’ and it certainly seems to be applicable in this case of a failed suicide bombing in Egypt. According to a report in Gulf News and relayed by the Religion of Peace website, an attempt by an Islamic suicide bomber to attack a church in Cairo during a Christian festival there, was foiled by security services.

The report states that the suicide bomber was disguised as a construction worker so that he could get access to the Lady Virgin Church in the north Cairo area of Mosturd. Whilst crossing a bridge in order to get to the church, the suicide bomber aroused the suspicions of security forces guarding the approach to the church. Unable to get to the church the Muslim suicide bomber retreated a little way and then suddenly detonated his bomb, this killed the homicidal Islamic savage immediately. The report said that nobody apart from the would be Muslim murderer himself was killed or injured in the attack.

It appears that no one Islamic group has yet claimed responsibility for sending this savage on his murderous errand. But, according to the Gulf News report, this attack is but one of a number of attacks that have increased in severity and frequency since the 2013 Egyptian military overthrow of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi.

The life of Christians in Egypt, as it is in all countries where there is a Muslim majority, is precarious but the rise of Islamist sentiment in Egypt has brought with it more of the sort of vehement and violent anti-Christian hatred that so often accompanies the rise of Islamism. The inherent hatred of other faiths that is contained within the theology of Islam has been turned into a motivation for terror attacks against Christians by Egyptian Islamists.

We should be thankful that in this case it was only the would-be murderer himself who died in this failed attack. If the security services of Egypt had been less vigilant or the bomber more lucky, we could have been looking at yet another incident of carnage in an Egyptian church. However, knowing the hatred that Orthodox Islam has for Christians and others, I sadly doubt that it will be long before another Islamic savage has another go at killing Egypt’s Christians.