The turncoat copper strikes again

Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick

A while back I examined, somewhat critically, a statement made by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, on the subject of Islamic Rape Gangs. Commissioner Dick claimed that the sort of on street grooming and mass rape that we’ve seen being committed by Muslim men in towns and cities up and down the country, was something that had continually happened in Britain’s history. My examination of the execution figures for gang rapists and child rapists from 1800 up until 1836 when rape was no longer a capital offence, showed Commissioner Dick to be either mistaken or economical with the truth. I found that I could detect no obivious pattern in offending that would suggest that the experience that Britain is having now with Islamic Rape Gangs is similar to a time in the past when rape was both severely punished and relatively good legal records of punishments were kept. The truth is that despite Commissioner Dick’s claims to the contrary, the mass rapes by Muslim men that we are seeing reported are unusual to say the least when put into the context of British history.

It seemed highly appropriate a the time to describe Commissioner Dick as a top cop who has plainly switched sides and wishes to protect, as a priority, both the ideology of Islam and the ideology of multiculturalism rather than keep the Queen’s Peace. It was an unedifying spectacle to see one of Britain’s most senior police officers shilling for Islam by denying the truth about Islamic Rape Gangs in such an unedifying way.

Now it seems that Commissioner Cressida Dick is continuing to deny the existence of Islam related problems in the United Kingdom. In a meeting at London’s City Hall, Commissioner Dick appeared, under questioning from an assembly member, to want to concentrate on the mostly non existent problem of ‘far right terrorism’ whilst not even being able to bring herself to name the real and cogent problem, that of violent Islamic extremism.

According to a report on Brietbart on the 7th September 2018, the Commissioner said, when questioned by UKIP London Assembly member Peter Whittle who accused her of not being able to name the Islamic violence problem, that she didn’t want to ‘randomly upset people who might get upset’. Unfortunately this very high profile police officer could not bring herself to name the problem, although Mr Whittle did. He said: “The majority of people carrying out terrorist attacks, 90 percent are Islam-inspired.” Mr Whittle is correct in what he says. The vast majority of terror offences involve the followers of Islam and the vast minority are down the very small number of genuine violent neo-Nazi extremists, lone nutters or crimes related to the dying embers of the Irish Troubles.

It is disingenuous in the extreme for Commissioner Dick to act in such a mealy mouthed manner when describing the community that has produced the majority of murderous terrorists that have either afflicted Britain with death and destruction or who have been stopped by our security services from doing so. I find it incredibly difficult to trust a police officer who is so reticent about naming what is a major threat to British subjects and one that urgently needs to be tackled. A police officer who refuses to name the enemy looks very much like a police officer who has aligned herself with that enemy. Commissioner Dick is not fit for purpose if she cannot even bring herself to be honest with herself and her audience at City Hall about the nature of the terror threat that we currently face.