Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole – Volume 98 – The pogrom against Christians begins


Pakistan is a land filled with savages and savagery of a readily identifiable Islamic kind. It is a land where women and children are treated like chattel and one where not being a Muslim makes the person less than a full citizen and can sometimes result in the non-Muslim’s murder. Pakistan truly is a shithole of monstrous proportions.

The world was quite rightly shocked at the violence and bloodlust shown by a great number of the citizens of Pakistan following the release from prison of Christian woman Asia Bibi who had been facing the death penalty for blasphemy against Islam. We saw in lurid and graphic detail how mobs of uneducated, angry and violent Muslims gathered in various Pakistani towns and cities and called for Asia Bibi to be publicly hanged. These mobs made up of what can only be honestly described as savages with savage desires, blocked roads, threatened the safety of judges and have screamed for the murder of Ms Bibi, have shocked the world and shown us all the true face of Pakistan.

Ms Bibi, although released from her imprisonment, is not safe from the great many Muslims in Pakistan who believe that killing her would be doing allah’s will. Neither her or her family can have any expectation of a normal life ever again, they are in constant danger that some Pakistani Muslim may suddenly take into their heads to kill them.

It is likely, due to the danger that Ms Bibi and her family are genuinely in, that some Western or non-Muslim country will give them asylum. However this will rob the large gangs of Muslim mental cases who want Ms Bibi dead of their quarry and it appears that the mobs of violent Pakistani Muslims now seem to be turning their attentions towards random Christians. The anger felt by he savage Islamic inhabitants of Pakistan is now so intense that these alleged attacks could be just the start of a major pogrom against Christians by Muslims in Pakistan.

There is a report from the conservative leaning site Breitbart that has human rights groups in Pakistan alleging that because of the intense hatred of Christians by Pakistani Muslims, a hatred inflamed by the release of Ms Bibi, that Christian travellers in Pakistan have been attacked merely for being Christian. This violence and the threat of violence towards Christians in general because of the Bibi case is something that is not unexpected. This is because the sort of Islamic mindset that infests the people of Pakistan despises those that are ‘other’, which includes anything or anyone which is not Orthodox Muslim. The removal of Ms Bibi from the Islamic mobs that want her dead has probably frustrated the mobs and those that lead and encourage them. This frustration will inevitably be taken out on random Christians who will be targeted for violence.

If, or hopefully when, Ms Bibi gains asylum in a civilised nation, we should not quickly forget about the nightmare shithole that is Pakistan. We should continue to keep in our hearts and speak out for the Christian and other minority religious communities of Pakistan. Although it is likely that Ms Bibi will end up in a place of safety, there are hundreds of thousands of other Pakistanis of minority faiths who will not be safe. At risk after Ms Bibi’s departure from Pakistan are Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and those who are heterodox or reformist Muslims. They will still face oppression hatred and violence from the followers of a bestial ideology that has all but ruined Pakistan. Pakistan could have been a contender on the world’s stage when it became independent from Britain, it could have chosen progress and education and become civilised, but instead it chose Islam as it’s guide and this guide is increasingly leading Pakistan, and its more decent citizens, especially its religious minorities, into the abyss.

1 Comment on "Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole – Volume 98 – The pogrom against Christians begins"

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | November 14, 2018 at 9:14 pm |

    Note again, the complete silence from the utterly useless Red Archbishop Welby and the unhinged Marxist antichrist Pope.

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