More vile and violent ‘enrichment’ – What are the police not telling us about this incident?


When I heard yesterday of an intruder at the Palace of Westminster, which ended up with intruder being tasered and dragged off by police, my first thought was ‘I bet it’s Islam related in some way’. This is not the sort of thing that a mentalist Leftist would do, as they’ve not only got a better sense of self preservation (many of the Palace police are armed) but also they prefer to attack police mob handed. It’s also not the sort of modus operandi of anyone I have found on the nationalist Right either, in part I believe because such a protest or action would be extremely bad optics for a political current that by and large believes in the rule of law.

Therefore I was completely unsurprised to find out via pictures on the Breitbart News site that the Palace intruder appears to be of Somali extraction. This means that either in whole or in part, some of his motivation to trespass on the Palace grounds may have its roots in Islam.

Man of Somali appearance detained by police following trespass incident at the Palace of Westminster (pic from Breitbart)

The Metropolitan Police said of the attack, which took place at the same gates to the Palace where PC Keith Palmer was killed by another Muslim back in March 2017, that it was not connected to terrorism. I’m not sure that I believe the Met on this one, do you? They seem to have come out very quickly and denied a terrorist motive. If this trespass was not Jihad related then what was it?

If this intruder is not suffering from the remarkably ubiquitous ‘mental illness’ that many of these aggressive Muslims seem to suffer from, then what could possibly be his motivation? It may have been an ill thought out and executed protest of some sort, either about a matter in the UK or Somalia. However he didn’t seem to be, from the Breitbart pictures, carrying any banners or anything else that would indicate that this was some sort of protest. This makes no sense. If I was to carry out a stupid action like this, I would at least carry or wear something that indicated what cause I was being stupid for.

If we exclude the possibilities that the intruder was suffering from a genuine mental illness (and there have been examples of the mad attempting to climb into Buckingham Palace in the past) and was not carrying out some sort of protest, then what does that leave us? It leaves us with the possibility that this may well be either a, thankfully, ineffective, attempt at Jihad or even an attempt to gauge the effectiveness of the enhanced security at the Palace? It is not beyond the realms of reason to wonder whether this man was merely some thicko ‘Divvy’ sent by others to poke the police into a reaction? Was the intruder just a disturbed easily led and aggrieved Somali who was told by others to go to the Palace but not told the full reason, which was to test the police’s reaction to an intruder? We do not know. What we do know however is that it is unlikely that the Metropolitan Police would deign to tell us if there was a terror connection when it comes to a low level incident like this. After all why increase the anger about Islam that is growing in the United Kingdom when some of this anger can be avoided by merely classing a low level jihad incident as ‘mental illness’. The Met after all seems to be more focused these days on ‘community cohesion’ i.e. keeping the followers of Islam sweet, than it does in effectively policing the Capital. A police force that is wedded to ‘community cohesion’ ideology is I’m afraid less likely than one committed to equitable policing, or to tell the rest of us if the political classes Islamic pets are turning rabid.

I’m not sure that I am inclined to believe the Metropolitan Police’s denial of terrorism links to this individual and his actions, they seemed to come suspiciously quickly following the incident. Unless there is some obvious clue to this man suffering from a mental illness, such as a letter from a mental health professional or a box of Stelazine in his pocket, then I wonder how the police got enough information so quickly to be able to deny a terror motive? Any one who has ever been arrested knows that the police will question you as to who you are, what you were doing and who you were doing this with. This process can take some time and I would like to know how the police came to the conclusion that this incident was not terror related so swiftly?

I think that there is more to this incident than the police are letting on. Maybe this is one of the Islamic savages that should have been watched and if necessary interdicted, who have embarrassingly slipped through the security net that is supposed to keep us all safe?