From Elsewhere: Well said Ms Phillips.


Britain has a big problem with child sexual exploitation. A sensible nation would debate this matter honestly and not give a toss if anyone was ‘offended’ by it being pointed out that certain groups in certain areas seem to be more heavily involved in child sexual abuse and in particular on street grooming than others. A sensible nation would also understand that some criminals, in particular sex criminals, both for reasons of rehabilitation and in order to protect the public, need to be gaoled for a considerable period of time.

Not so Britain. Britain is not a sensible nation. We or rather our government and the various quangos and other organisations that govern and administer Britain really don’t want to talk about the sort of abuse that goes on in places like Rochdale, Rotherham, Huddersfield, Oxford and a multitude of other places where these crimes have been happening for years. Britain is also a nation where an offender who carries out the most vile abuse against a young woman is given a paltry eight year sentence with such a heavy degree of remission that in effect this abuser only serves 48 months. Yes indeed. Britain is plainly NOT a sensible country.

Similar questions about why we can’t talk about certain types of child sexual exploitation and certain types of abusers along with expressing similar disgust at our weak leaders and weak justice system are being made by Alex Phillips a presenter on the GB News channel.

Ms Phillips said:

Inflicting lifelong trauma, physical, psychological, social. How long for such a vile creature? What if I told you the answer for one such disgusting abuser was just four years.

An eight year sentence, but out on parole in half the time, to stalk the streets where he had worked as part of a gang to find the perfect victims, the forgotten girls, the ones who had already had to face so much trauma and tragedy in their young lives that they too struggled to see their own worth.

What if I now told you that the perpetrator, a callous and warped sociopathic subhuman, also a father of 5, has subsequently bleated about his rights, his lack of sufficient welfare payments, his being stripped of a driver’s license and threatened with deportation? Are you sympathetic? I would imagine not.

If you’re like most of the people in this country, you would be horrified that such a degenerate served merely 48 months in prison and is now free to audaciously challenge his punishment.

From Oxford to Rotherham to Rochdale to Leeds to Huddersfield to London, desperately vulnerable, rejected and deprived little girls were hunted to become the prey of depraved individuals on an industrial scale.

The extent and spread of the abuse, and shocking cowardice of the authorities in acknowledging and tackling the sickening crimes, stunned the country.

The utter disregard of those who were entrusted to protect the victims appeared as if the value of the little girls coming forward, already flotsam and jetsam tossed about and falling between the cracks, was deemed lower than the prerogative to not be seen to be causing offence to any one community.

Yet here we are again today with grave concerns that thousands of girls are still being trafficked, tortured and treated like sex slaves.

Read the full article via the link below:

We are indeed here again today, with media that mostly do not want to report on this type of abuse, police forces who do not want to enforce the law against abusers and politicians who seem to believe that if they don’t talk about the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs then such gangs will cease to exist. We can’t leave this issue to those who have failed so dismally in the past to tackle these issues whether they be sat in police stations, council chambers or in Westminster. We need to speak loudly, clearly and honestly about these problems because those who rule us do not wish to do so.

4 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Well said Ms Phillips."

  1. Not sure if you’ve seen the “Welcome to Oldham” articles by Raja Miah, but well worth a read of the monumental levels of corruption that’s linked to the rape gangs and the labour party.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 10, 2021 at 6:53 pm |

      Yes seen this. Brilliant expose of corruption. Will do a piece highlighting this soon. BTW welcome to F211:-)

  2. It’s totally depraved and vile that these abuses continue, of course, but is it entirely the fault of the police?

    I have two daughters – there were not many times in their late childhood & teenage years when either or both my wife & I did not know where they were, whether they were safe, etc.

    So the breakdown of society, single-parent families, low-IQ and poor education, incompetent or corrupt social-workers and ‘political correctness’ must, I guess, all play a part. But I find it hard to believe a mother does not know where her child is at any time of day, especially when they are between home and school.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 10, 2021 at 7:19 pm |

      I completely understand that good parents know where their kids are all the time. I also agree that it’s not the entire fault of the police although their cowardice plays a large part in how these gangs were able to operate for so long. PC and SW do play a part. A lot of these girls and some boys I need to add, who’ve been victimised by this cohort of abusers were picked by the abusers because they had a vulnerability that they could exploit. A lot of the victims were in the care system either in care homes or in foster care and their hunger for love and affection was exploited mercilessly by these abusers. However not all the abused young women were from the care system, from single parent families or from unstable home backgrounds. Some of them were from stable families and were threatened with death or rape or disfigurement by these gangs. They were in so much fear that they lied to their parents and got others to lie for them. The mothers in cases like these probably had no idea what was going on because care ws taken by the abused children – out of fear I need to say – tht their parents did not find out. These scummy bastards even threatened the children that their parents or siblings would be hurt or murdered if anything got out about the abuse.

      Ideally those tasked with protecting these children should have stepped up but the politically correct police, councillors and social workers decided that pandering to the community from which the abusers were being churned out on an industrial scale was more important than anything else.

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