Another person who converted to savagery

Damon Joseph who is facing charges relating to terror plot and giving support to ISIS


As I have mentioned a number of times on this blog there is something strange about those who convert to Islam. Those who convert to Islam seem to be far more likely to undertake or plot the most awful atrocities than those who convert to other more civilised faiths. I’ve yet to meet a new Christian or a new Jew or even a new Hindu who decides that it is a good idea to kill someone in the name of their new faith. Yes all groups have their loonspuds and extremists and those who normal people would cross the road to avoid, but Islam seems to have far more than is generally found in other faiths. I’ve never come across a new Christian who feels that it would be right to slaughter non-Christians and neither have I encountered any new Jews who want to murder non-Jews.

Islam on the other hand, is a completely different kettle of rotting fish. New Muslims who convert to this faith and then decide to go out and kill people or plot to kill people seem to be both remarkably and worryingly common.

The latest convert to the religion of death who decides to put the tenets of this hate filled ideology into practice comes from Toledo in the American state of Ohio. The convert, Damon Joseph aged 21, came to the attention of US security forces when he posted pictures of knives and praise for the Islamic terror group ISIS on social media. Press reports (h/t ROP) said that Joseph, pictured above sporting prison garb and an Islamist ‘pube beard’, felt inspired to go out and murder Jews in Toledo by last year’s atrocity at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was caught by under cover officers who were investigating Joseph because of the pro-ISIS statements he had made online.

The Daily Mail reporting this story said:

Authorities became aware of Joseph after seeing photos of knives and guns and praising ISIS on his social media accounts. 

In September, agents asked him whether he hated people in America.

‘Oh yeah, definitely,’ he responded, according to court records. ‘The gays the Christians the Catholics the Jews you name it.’ 

Records show that he had narrowed his plot to one synagogue and showed the undercover agents pictures of the house of worship and described to them details of his plan. 

He told the officers he wanted to start the killing inside the sanctuary and wanted to make sure he executed the rabbi, records show. 

Joseph’s plan was to carryout the shooting on the Sabbath so he would cause maximum bloodshed, records show. 

Another day and yet another potentially murderous convert to Islam. Joseph I’m afraid is just one among many. As I have stated before, there have been so many of these converts to Islam who move swiftly from Shahada to Jihad that it is now long past time that both the citizens of Western nations and our governments started to see such converts as a threat. Those who actively choose a faith that is implicated so readily and so often in acts of terror, brutality and hatred should be placed outside the rights that our societies give to adults to follow the religious path of their choice. We should all whether we are ordinary citizens or whether we are part of our nation’s security apparatus treat converts to Islam as a potential threat and a danger until they prove themselves to be otherwise. The cold hard fact is that those who convert to Islam are far more likely than those who choose other faiths to commit atrocities or plan them. America was lucky on this occasion, this savage revealed his hand too early and was picked up by the security forces, the next time they may not be as lucky and a convert to Islam may be able to carry out some murderous plot. It is incredibly fortunate that not only was this convert to Islamic savagery too gobby for his own good, but that the American law enforcement agencies were on the ball enough to stop him.