Quote of the Day – March 4th 2019

David Lammy MP. A race-baiting grifter who moronical uses the race card every time.


It’s a very short quote for this example of a ‘Quote of the day’. But not all accurate and informative quotes need to be of paragraph length. Some, like this one from Sargon of Akkad, only need to be one sentence. All the words used by Sargon perfectly describe the Member of Parliament for Tottenham David Lammy after Lammy criticised white celebrities promoting charity projects for impoverished Africans

Sargon said:

David Lammy is a race-baiting grifter’.

Sargon is bang on target here. To see how, let’s just look at the dictionary definitions of the phrase ‘race-baiter’ and ‘grifter’.

The Cambridge dictionary defines ‘race-baiter’ as:

someone who intentionally encourages racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage:

Yep, that’s David Lammy to a ‘T’. Although Lammy spends a considerable amount of time whining about Brexit, he’s become most well known to the British public for whining about racial issues. He’s a man with perfectly balanced chips on each shoulder and both these chips are emblazoned with the words ‘whitey did it’. He intentionally stirs up racialism and encourages racial grievance and a sense of victimhood among Black Britons and pushes the idea that there is racialism everywhere, even when their isn’t. If you wanted to script a play or write a novel where one of the characters would be a stereotypical, permanently angry and racially exploitative individual, then that character would look and sound a very lot like David Lammy. Just looking at the record of his statements on the issue of race gives us plenty of evidence that Lammy is indeed a race-baiter.

Onto the word ‘grifter’ now. This is a word less used in the United Kingdom but much more so in US English. The online dictionary, dictionary.com defines ‘grifter’ as:

a person who operates a side show at a circus, fair, etc., especially a gambling attraction.

a swindler, dishonest gambler, or the like.

Again these are words that apply very well to Mr Lammy. He has indeed swindled for gain. He has swindled everyone in his constituency who voted for him. He has lined his own pockets and gained political power by promising his voters, who are are in large part Black Britons, that he will be their great black saviour. He has fed his voters a line, just as a grifter or conman would do in order to persuade them to vote for him and keep him in the style to which he has become accustomed. When I travel to the Tottenham area, which I do on a regular basis, or read news reports and other information about Lammy’s constituency, I see no evidence that he is making a positive difference to either his area or to the lives of those who live there. There are still appalling levels of poverty, violence, ignorance and crime in Lammy’s fiefdom yet because he plays the identitarian politics game and continually and patronisingly bleats to his constituents that ‘you are poor because you is black’. There is little difference from what I can see between Lammy consistently and falsely playing the race card to his voters and a smooth talking conman fleecing a vulnerable person out of their savings.

David Lammy might give the distinct impression that he is a moron, you can see this from his Mastermind performance, about which ‘moronical’ is probably the best description. However, he’s also very cleverly managed to con tens of thousands of voters to give him their votes after promising that he will make their lives better and safer but continually failing to do that. The voters of Tottenham need to wake up and realise that Lammy isn’t working for them, he’s working for himself and using and creating Black British grievances in order to do that. David Lammy is a good example of what is wrong with current British politics and has also shown why the people of Tottenham deserve better than David Lammy and his moronical and cynical race-baiting and grifter-like behaviour.