The goose-stepping Green Party


A recent story that I was alerted to regarding the Green Party gives further credence to my belief that the vast majority of dangerous Jew hatred is coming from an alliance of the forces of Islam and the political Left. This type of Jew hatred is not confined to a tiny number of fringe nutters, as is the situation that I have found on the Right, the Jew haters of the Left are both numerous and politically active. We’ve seen this amply well demonstrated in the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn. Labour has become a magnet for the sort of nutcase who believes that Israel controls the world for example. Labour has come to reflect, in the nature of its membership and the behaviour of that membership, Jeremy Corbyn’s own antipathy for Jews in general and his downright hatred for the State of Israel.

But this problem is not just confined to the Labour Party. In Worcester we have the Green Party goose-stepping into view with an anti-Semitism story. According to a local newspaper site in the area, a local councillor who was elected for the Greens has defected to the Tories because of the extreme Jew hatred expressed within the Green Party both locally and nationally. This would not surprise me much, the Greens, like many others on the left, are all to enamoured with the ‘Palestinian’ statehood narrative and all that comes with that.

This defection in Worcester might be a merely local incident, and the Greens are trying, as they would to play this down, or it might be another national scandal to engulf the Green Party, so soon after the Aimee Challoner scandal. This we may recall is the the case of the complete abandonment of safeguarding principles by a transgender rising star in the Green Party who employed her father, then on bail facing a large number of sex offence charges as her campaign agent. The allegations that the defecting councillor is making suggests that, like the Labour/Islamic Party, the Greens nationally are hostile to Jews. Here’s part of the Worcester news article on this local defection. As usual original text is in italics whereas my comments in plain text.

The Worcester News said:

A CITY councillor has quit the Green Party over alleged anti-Semitism and joined the city’s Conservatives.

Councillor Louise Griffiths, who was elected to represent Battenhall on Worcester City Council at the last local elections in May, said she felt she could no longer make a difference as a member of the Green Party, which was not operating like a democratic party should.

That’s a pretty serious allegation to make against the Greens, although having observed how the Greens behave it would not surprise me if the local party and the national party itself is anti-democratic. I’ve certainly encountered scores of greens with profound anti-democratic views. Greens blather on about freedom but they are look seriously authoritarian when they are more closely examined.

Cllr Griffiths said the “scourge of anti-Semitism” was not just a Labour issue and she had found examples of it within the national Green Party and has been subjected to online abuse for calling out racism within the party.

In other words the far Left of the party dominates the party and as usual that far left is behaving as despicably as they can in order to silence critics of the ideology of the party. The same sort of attacks have befallen those in Labour who have called out the various flavours of Jew hating nutter.

Cllr Griffiths said: “Over recent months I have felt increasingly inhibited and restricted by the setup of the Green Party here in Worcester.

I have found there is very little opportunity for members to make a significant contribution due to the leadership of the Worcester Green Party, and this reluctance to listen and to adopt a different way of thinking has become very frustrating.

Sounds very much indeed as if there is a cabal of far Lefties running the show in Worcester Green Party. The Greens are authoritarian, cavalier with safeguarding and riddled with Jew hating Lefties and in my view only slightly less trustworthy that the Liberal Democrats. There seems to be little to choose between the Greens and Labour on these issues that Cllr Griffiths resigned over, they are I’m afraid just two sides of the same Left wing coin.

I got involved in local politics to make a difference and believe that this is no longer possible in the Greens, which locally do not operate as a democratic political party should.

The claims by Cllr Griffiths are pretty damning for the local Greens. The local party does seem to look like a small group of highly motivated extremists calling the shots and evading open discussion of issues. Typical I’m afraid of what too often happens in socialist groups.

The scourge of anti-Semitism is also unfortunately not just an issue for the Labour Party.

“I have found anti-Semitism within the Green Party nationally and have been subjected to abuse myself online for calling out this racism within the party.”

Can’t really say that I’m surprised at this revelation about the Greens, they’ve never been a party that I have had much time for. When I’ve encountered Green activists I’ve often found them to be petty authoritarians. Like so many others of the Left these days, The Greens are fully on board with intersectionality and its ever morphing ‘victim stack’ a stack that never seems to include Jews and especially Israeli Jews funnily enough.

I would also not be surprised to find out at some point that this really is much more than a local issue. Knowing the way that too many on the Left work and think, it is entirely possible that The Greens, like Labour, have become the party of choice for some serious nutcases. I think that like the Challoner case, in which the Green party leadership was seen to be negligent, this Worcester situation may go national. It is yet another be another window into a party that I believe is suffering from some really serious political mange and one that I would not trust to sit the right way round on a toilet let alone administer a town, a county or worse, a nation.

1 Comment on "The goose-stepping Green Party"

  1. Green For Danger!(1946-Trevor Howard,Alastair Sim.)

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