Another rape caused by Britain’s leaky borders

Map showing Huddersfield where a particularly bestial rape on a 17 year old girl and carried out by Muslim 'asylum seekers' occurred


Britain’s borders are to say the least leaky. The borders and those who man them are not keeping out those who should be kept out. This lack of control over who enters Britain is causing immense suffering to Britons who end up being victimised by some of the worst dregs of humanity who have been allowed to enter the country, often by falsely claiming political asylum.

Real people who are seeking refuge do not commit crimes. I know this as I have met enough people who have genuinely sought refuge in Britain over the years and have been grateful for such help. People who genuinely and honestly flee from terror and oppression keep their heads down, obey the law and do not do anything that may endanger their residence in the UK. Those who do come here as ‘refugees’ and break the law or commit acts of jihad are not ‘refugees’ they are criminals that should have been kept well away from Britain’s shores.

The latest example of fake refugees committing very real crimes comes from a few days ago. According to a report in the Daily Mail dated 12th March 2019, three Sudanese ‘asylum seekers’ were convicted of a horrific gang rape of a 17 year old girl in an underpass in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Two of them have been gaoled for 13 years whilst a third is awaiting sentence just as soon as his true age, like many this offender appears to have lied about his age, has been determined.

These beasts, who all unsurprisingly have Islamic names, attacked the girl in the underpass, presumably as she was using it to cross the road. They have been convicted by a jury at Leeds Crown Court of a variety of sexual offences including rape, attempted rape and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent.

This is an appalling crime and one that would not have happened had Britain had stronger borders and the ‘refugees welcome’ lunatics had not been as indulged as they have been by successive governments. A functioning border system would have kept these bastards out, but our leaky and compromised border control allowed them in and allowed them to rape.

The scattergun pathological altruism as practised and preached by the ‘refugees welcome’ crowd and turned into policy by our politicians, has resulted in a young girl being raped and possibly psychologically scarred for life. This young woman would have more than likely lived her life in peace and in safety if these Sudanese Islamic bastards had never been allowed into the UK. They, like so many of our modern day ‘refugees’ are not fleeing oppression, they are instead bringing their own brand of oppression and violence here and afflicting Britons with it.

The guilt for these offences against a woman just going about her normal business, does not just lie with these appalling rapist savages themselves.  It lies also with those who allowed them into the country in the first place. Blame and guilt should also be aimed at those who have waved the ‘refugees welcome’ banner and with the politicians who have allowed our leaky border situation to get out of control.

Although it was these Sudanese savages who carried out this terrible rape, it is a rape that would not have occurred had our politicians and those in charge of the nation’s safety and security, put the needs of Britons, rather than fake ‘refugees’ first. If someone either at the border or further up the decision making food chain had said ‘no’ to the entry of these Sudanese criminals then an appalling crime would have been averted. Those in charge of our security and those who shout ‘refugees welcome’ have failed this young woman just as they’ve failed everyone who has been a victim of ‘refugee’ crime and disorder. They are of the very culture, nationality and demographic that should have rung alarm bells with border staff and propelled them to refuse entry to them. Instead those who should know better rolled out the red carpet for these Sudanese savages and the result is yet another appalling sex crime committed by equally appalling Muslim migrants.

Our borders have been left virtually unguarded because of the actions of politicians. If we wish to stop this then we must vote for politicians that will ensure that secure borders can be enforced and that the likes of these Sudanese sex beasts are never to be allowed in, no matter how much they may whine about how ‘oppressed’ they are.