Day Twenty Three in the Islamic Ramadan ‘Big Savage House’


We are now at Day 23 of Ramadan and as expected, the death toll caused by Islamic violence is continuing to rise. In the four days since Day Eighteen when I last chronicled the rising pile of bodies created by ‘the religion of peace’, rose from 488 on Day 18 to 621 by Day 23.

This means that the followers of Islam have killed 133 people in four days and they have killed in the name of Islam or been motivated to kill by Islamic theology. This is not a phenomenon that we see with many other modern religious beliefs. You don’t get Christians killing for Christ at Christmas nor do Jews go out on murder sprees during Jewish New Year. It is nearly always Islam and Muslims who kill in order to advance their conception of their faith.

Islam is not like other faiths and neither is its deity or its belief system. It claims to be an Abrahamic religion but has not embraced loving humanity or the importance of moral conduct as a tenet of belief, something that both Christianity and Judaism have done over the course of the millennia. I see Islam as something outside Abrahamic beliefs as the deity of the Muslims is far more alike to a tribal pagan god of a sort that was current in the lifetime of the Islamic ‘prophet’ Mohammed rather than either the Jewish or Christian conception of a loving and just Deity.

There is a cruelty and a whole raft of baseless and extreme hatreds present in Islam that have neither been properly excised by reform nor mollified by reinterpretation. It is an ideology started by a cruel man who lived among equally cruel peoples and it should be no wonder to the observer that Islam creates so much of the violence and the hatred that we are burdened with.

I’ve been following the running total for Ramadan deaths over at the website Religion Of Peace and sadly it looks as if my prediction, one that I made prior to Ramadan starting, that we would see a final death toll of 900, looks set to come true. There are now five days left of Ramadan, would anyone bet against the violent ideology of Islam managing to murder 279 people by then? I know I would not. Betting on Islam killing people is, to pardon the pun, something of a ‘dead cert’. Islam will kill, it always does.