The too often ignored Jihad in Africa.


The problem of Jihad and other forms of Islamic aggression are present on almost every continent, with the possible exception of Antarctica. Of course we in the West naturally concentrate our attention on the Jihad and Islam related problems that we suffer from as this is the problem most closest to us geographically and culturally. Many of us are also aware of the damage that Islam has done to the Middle East and South Asia and the violence and social destruction that Islam has either brought or imposed. But there are other jihads, ones that result in the deaths of thousands of innocent people that seem to get less attention from the public than maybe they should.

The ongoing Jihads in the global South and particularly in Africa are good examples of Islamic aggression and violence that all too often are ignored. These jihad attacks have taken the lives of thousands of people over the last decade or so and countless families have been left bereaved or traumatised by the actions of aggressive Muslims.

Africa is a continent full of human tragedies. There is grinding poverty even in lands rich in mineral and oil wealth, along with nations ruled by kleptocrats and paralysed by corruption. Tribal and resource wars drag on for years and create the sort of impoverished anarchistic society that allows easy entry for Jihad groups. There is also the spectre of horrific disease, as will be understood by those who have followed Stixhexenhammer666’s most excellent and informative video series about the current Ebola crisis in Central Africa. War, disease, the effects of history and bad government and administration has been Africa’s curse. With some of the stories that I’ve seen recently, we can add violent Jihad and Islamic aggression to this list of horrors that afflict this continent.

The latest example of the Jihad that Islam is inflicting on the continent of Africa comes from the North African landlocked country of Mali. Like northern Nigeria, Mali has been afflicted by attacks by the mostly Islamic Fulani herdsmen who often clash with those groups undertaking settled agriculture. It is of course to be recognised that herding and settled arable agriculture don’t mix for obvious reasons, but there is a Jihad aspect to the conflict between the Fulani and others that cannot be ignored. The Islamic Fulani are attacking groups that live differently and believe differently from them, in a mirror image of other jihads elsewhere where Muslims of one sort or another drive out or destroy any non Muslim or insufficiently Muslim society or community. These other groups that are being targetted by the Fulani are either Christian or follow tribal religions or are what we should call them for want of better words, moderate Muslims. There is also an ethnic aspect to these conflicts with the Arabised Africans attacking non Arabised Africans.

The Jihad that is afflicting Mali and other nations in the region are causing already stressed communities even more pain than they were suffering because of poverty and mismanagement of African nations. The latest attack by Fulani has seen nearly 100 people killed in a village which housed members of the Dogon farming community. The Fulani Muslims, heavily armed and riding motorbikes according the the BBC (h/t ROP), surrounded the village and attacked it. Fulani guards outside the village then killed anybody who tried to escape from this latest example of bestial Islamic slaughter. Nobody was spared not old men or women and children. The manner of the attack on the village of Sobane Da was relayed to the world by one of what seems to be a representative of the few survivors of this attack. The Muslim Fulani, about 50 in number, came at nightfall he said, sealing the village to prevent escape and attacking everyone in sight.

In a few hours, the Muslim Fulani killed more people than the Muslim savage who carried out the Nice Attack managed to kill, yet knowledge of the appalling and growing Jihad problem in Africa seems to mostly be the province of those of us who take an especial interest in the Islamic ‘religion of death’. We all should make ourselves much more aware of the horrors that Islam is bringing to places like Africa. We should do this not only because being concerned about the horrors that Islam inflicts on mankind in general is the morally correct thing to do but also because it is in our own self interest as well. It is to the benefit of nobody if Jihad and violent Islamic aggression was allowed to establish itself in Africa. It would be no gain for Europe especially for the continent to Europe’s South to be a hotbed of Islamic savagery. In fact, with modern travel facilities not being that uncommon in Africa it is not beyond the bounds of possibility for the disease of Jihad, like the disease of Ebola, to be exported worldwide from its starting point.