Another ungrateful and murderous ‘refugee’.


The word refugee has changed its meaning somewhat over the last decade or more. The word used to mean someone fleeing from violent oppression and who was in fear of their lives and conjured up mental images very different from that created by the ‘refugees’ of today. When we heard the word ‘refugee’ it was easy to think of the Kindertransport children, or post WWII displaced persons, and the Ugandan Asians kicked out by Idi Amin. The word also brings to mind the the citizens of the Soviet Union or the countries that it enslaved who risked their lives in order to find freedom in the West.

Now however the word refugee has a very different connotation. Today when we think of the word ‘refugee’ we increasingly think of the very large number of dangerous people brought in from mostly Muslim countries who have done little more than ponce off of our welfare systems, exploit the naive, commit appalling crimes and carry out acts of terrorism of the most horrific kind.

Across the continent of Europe, but more often in Western Europe where the cult-like ‘refugees welcome’ movement has had a lot of influence, Muslim ‘refugees’ have brought death, destruction and misery. Both the Manchester Arena and the Parsons Green attacks were carried out either by the sons of ‘refugees’ from the Islamic world who arrived in the past, or by more recent ‘refugees’ brought in by those shroud-waving over the Syrian conflict and its human cost. In addition to this we need to add in the large number of rapes and sexual assaults that have been carried out by Muslim ‘refugees’ who hail from countries where women are valued at slightly less than a goat. Many of us now think of monsters to be feared when we hear the word ‘refugee’ rather than as people who should be helped and the reason for this is quite clear. This is because of the vast number of problems that these ‘refugees’ have brought, especially to working class communities and to others at the bottom of societies pile.

A good example of the problems that Muslim ‘refugees’ have brought to the west is the case of Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, who has been arrested by American law enforcement officers for plotting the bombing of an African-American church. Alowemer had only been in the United States for a few years, roughly since 2016 or so, but that didn’t stop him from plotting the murder of ‘infidels’. This man, who had a record of prior arrests by the Jordanian authorities for consorting with ISIS operatives, was allowed into the United States by the Obama administration as a ‘refugee’ and has repaid the generosity of the American people by allegedly plotting to kill US citizens.

This story, which originates from Daniel Greenfield over at Front Page Magazine, is truly shocking. It shows how working class African-Americans in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are not only coming under social pressure from Islam and Muslims but also how their places of worship are being targeted by Muslims for acts of terror and violence.

According to Mr Greenfield, the area of Pittsburgh where Alowemer was placed, Northview Heights, was once a traditionally African-American neighbourhood with 90% of the residents classified as Black Americans. The Obama administration moved 10,000 Muslim ‘refugees’ into the area and housed Alowemer and the rest of his family to a housing block. Mr Greenfield’s article said that the Alowemer’s isolated themselves from the Black residents of the rest of the block and only consorted with other Syrians. Alowemer also made social media posts extolling the idea of jihad and calling his African-American neighbours ‘infidels’. Even worse was the stated desire of this imported savage to murder his neighbours in order to wipe out those who he saw as ‘infidels’ deserving of death. Many of those resident in the area where Alowemer was going to carry out his attack are Christians who have family origins in Nigeria where jihad against Christians has become a major problem. This is one of those cases that show how a misplaced altruistic attitude to those claiming asylum from the Muslim world can allow into our nations those who wish to murder those who have fled to the West genuinely seeking asylum from, in the case of Nigeria, oppression of an Islamic nature. Those who have fled Islamic oppression now find themselves again under threat from this ideology because idiots in politics thought that no harm could come from importing those whose culture and theology basically says ‘kill or enslave everyone but the Muslim’.

Thankfully it is the boastfulness of this savage about his desire for carrying out jihad against a church attended by many of his African-American neighbours that alerted the authorities to the actions of this savage. He was eventually contacted by an undercover police officer who managed to find out exactly what the savage was plotting to do and the savage was arrested before anyone was harmed or put in danger. He will eventually stand trial on terrorism charges and it is hoped that this worthless and dangerous savage is removed forcibly from the United States. This man should never have been allowed entry to the USA, especially as he had a terrorism arrest record in the Kingdom of Jordan that should have precluded his transfer to the United States.

The people of Pittsburgh are extremely lucky that Alowemer and his dastardly plot was spotted at an early stage and his terrorism could be prevented. Next time they may not be so lucky. If the vetting system that was supposed to prevent terrorists from claiming to be ‘refugees’ allowed this savage to slip through then without a doubt there are many more like him who have also entered the United States. I foresee a situation where many more Americans die at the hands of Muslim terrorists who like Alowemer, have been imported, supported and educated at the expense of the US taxpayer but who plot the deaths of the very same Americans who have helped them.