These are not the ‘refugees’ that any civilised country should be ‘welcoming’

Arizona, where the latest Islamic terror plotters posing as 'refugees' have been apprehended.


One of the things that really boil my piss is how those who migrate from dangerous third world countries where radical Islam flowers readily have been treated as deserving refugees by the Left and various religious leaders. A genuine refugee is grateful for rescue and does everything they can to pay back the rescuing country’s generosity by being a good citizen and contributing to the host society as much as they can. This has been my experience of genuine refugees whether they have fled from Fascism or Communism or some other authoritarian horror regime.

What genuine refugees do not do is to plot to fight for the host nation’s enemies or to slaughter the host country’s citizens. Those who do these things or who support such actions are not suitable to be considered as deserving of support. Unfortunately when I look at the paths taken by the refugees of the past and put them alongside those whom the Left and the naive call refugees today I see a massive and hard to ignore gulf.

As I have said before on here the difference between previous refugees and those from sharia friendly Islamic lands is stark. If we take for example one of the best known refugee events of the past, the Kindertransport that rescued Jewish children from Nazi Germany, we can see a massive difference between them and the current alleged ‘refugees’. It is notable that many of those who came to the West and specifically the UK on the Kindertransport have either gone on to do great things or have just kept their heads down, obeyed the law and got on with their lives. In both cases Britain has had little or no serious trouble with them and the vast majority of them have contributed to our and Western society in general in numerous ways.

The story with the current ‘refugees’ is markedly opposed to that of the Kindertransport. We can see just one example among many of the difference between today’s alleged ‘refugees’ from Muslim lands and the real refugees of the Kindertransport in a story from the Israeli news source Artuz Sheva. This news source (h/t ROP) is reporting that two Somalis who claimed refugee status in the United States of America have been arrested at an airport in Arizona for providing material support to the ISIS Islamic terror group. The pair, one already a naturalised American and the other still with refugee status, were allegedly on their way to Egypt in order to join the ISIS band on the Sinai Peninsular. They were caught after allegedly disclosing to undercover police officers that they were supporters of ISIS and wanted to travel to Egypt to fight with them or carry out an attack in the USA if they were unable to travel.

It appears to me that the US law enforcement authorities have by arresting this pair of alleged Muslim terrorists in Arizona stopped yet another Islamic terror attack either in the US or elsewhere. This is not the only case where a Muslim ‘refugee’ or the scion of a ‘refugee’ Muslim family has brought violent havoc to a Western country. We should not forget that the Manchester Arena atrocity was carried out by the son of a ‘refugee’ and the Parson’s Green tube train bomb was the work of a ‘minor’ ‘refugee’ among others. There is a danger in taking in Muslims claiming to be ‘refugees’, a danger that has not in the past been associated with other groups claiming asylum. We haven’t seen those who arrived on the Kindertransport or from behind the old Iron Curtain before it fell or from numerous other non Muslim groups, turn and attack the host countries and their peoples to anything like the extent that the Muslim ‘refugees’ have done.

On this occasion the US authorities have been very lucky. They got enough intelligence on these men early enough for them to intervene and prevent one or more atrocities. The problem is that the authorities have to be lucky every time as a failure to properly vet these Muslim ‘refugees’ has apparently let a huge number of dangerous Muslims slip through the net. The next time some ‘refugee’ from Somali or some other Islam dominated hell hole decides to suffer from ‘sudden jihad syndrome’ the police may not be so lucky and innocent people may end up dead. By importing Islamic ‘refugees’ we have imported not just a social and financial burden, but also a dire and worsening security threat. These people are not ‘refugees’ far from it, they are soldiers of Allah and should be treated as such. There needs to be an end to the dishonest and indeed insulting comparison, made by both the secular and religious Left, between the genuine refugees of the past and the current Muslim influx who are using and abusing the asylum system for their own destructive ends.