Khan fiddles whilst London bleeds

Nero fiddling whilst Rome burns. A scene reminiscent of how Sadiq Khan is behaving in London


Sadiq Khan the Labour mayor of Greater London is like a modern day Nero who was said to have fiddled whilst Rome burned. Khan, who has responsibility for oversight of the Metropolitan Police, has splurged hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds on various policing vanity projects such as his failed ‘hate crime hub’. He’s done this whilst London’s streets run red with the blood of the increasing number of stabbing victims that have become a feature of Khan’s time in office.

Not a day seems to go by now without there being some death or serious injury from a stabbing attack and all too many of those killed and injured seem to be coming from the black community that Khan purports to support. How can Khan be supporting a community when he has allowed that community to be killed or maimed in attacks that could have been prevented? Life for London’s black community and in fact all Londoners could have been improved and made safer by better, more focussed policing and doing something to stop the epidemic of fatherlessness and associated crime that socialist policies have created.

Khan, I have to conclude, doesn’t really give a toss about anybody or anything but himself and his own image. He doesn’t care about the increase in violence or the impact of criminal gangs or the grief of parents who’ve lost children to knife crime. If he did then this pint sized Pakistani poltroon would do more than just pop his head out of City Hall and express empty sympathies every time there is a stabbing.

This past weekend has seen a spate of stabbings across London from Bexley, to Shepherds Bush and to Tottenham that have left people dead and injured. Under Khan street violence has without doubt got worse and although the police are trying to tackle the problem with Section 60 orders that permit searching for weapons in the N15 and other areas, the buck does stop with Khan. This useless mayor who was elected in part on a policy of reducing stop and search a policy that Khan claimed was ‘racist’ has ironically presided over a situation where black Londoners face murderous violence often from other black Londoners. How I ask does Khan’s policy help Londoners not just black Londoners but any Londoner? It doesn’t. Khan has taken a bad situation and made it so much worse by his policies and attitudes.

I grew up alongside black Londoners who were law abiding, hard working and who contributed to society. Back then they could walk the streets in relative safety, as they should be able to do, but because of Khan and his policies, their children and grandchildren now face violent death just going to the shops or to school or to football practice.

London does not need what Khan offers. London does not need vanity projects such as the ‘hate crime hub’ nor does it need £300k fake beaches. Instead it needs proper and robust policing backed up by a justice system that severely punishes those who use knives in the course of crime. Sad to say what London needs is not what they are going to get from this vain, power hungry and ineffective man called Sadiq Khan.

1 Comment on "Khan fiddles whilst London bleeds"

  1. He is effective: this is not happening through ineptitude – by directing the police and public money at anything and everything except their actual job, he is achieving the civic collapse the Red/Green axis want.

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