From Elsewhere – Superb piece on woke authoritarianism

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Every now and again I like to watch the Triggernometry channel where the two presenters, Francis Foster and Konstantin Kisin. I like the variety of guests that the pair interview and some of them, such as the interview with Sir John Curtice, the political scientist, stand out as admirable examples of how to do political and cultural interviews in an engaging way. There is a significant amount of intellectual diversity in this channel’s guests and that is a welcome change to the sort of output that comes from Britain’s mainstream media. This channel’s interviews remind me somewhat of John Freeman’s ‘Face to Face’ interviews from the 1960’s where high profile subjects were interrviewed in a sometimes tense and gripping way but also in a way that put the interveiwee at their ease.

Right, so that’s the shilling for Triggernometry out of the way, and I would really recommend that you take the time to watch the interviews, either with those with whom you may disagree, that are on this channel. The main point of this article is to highlight a truly brilliant article written by Mr Kisin on the subject of ‘woke authoritarianism’. In this piece Mr Kisin looks at the nature of woke culture and its accompanying authoritarianism and treats it as a sort of ‘anti-Enlightenment’ way of thinking of the sort that existed when religions held more sway over the West than they do today. I tend to agree with Mr Kisin that there is a religious aspet to woke culture, you only need to see the virtue signalling Twitter mobs that gather whenever someone whines that they are ‘offended’. It’s like these Twitter mobs are all uttering some form of declaration of faith in the woke ideology in order to both to punish the ‘heretic’ or to avoid being classed as a heretic themselves lest they be less than full throated in their condemantion of the allged ‘bigot’ in question.

It’s a brilliant exposition of woke culture, its problems and the threats that it poses to free nations and to those who believe in liberty. You can read the entirety of the article via the link below.

1 Comment on "From Elsewhere – Superb piece on woke authoritarianism"

  1. Phil Copson | November 7, 2019 at 8:45 am |

    “religious aspect”…….or just a step on the way to the Stalinist /Maoist /Pol Pot-ist etc totalitarian mind-set in which being less than 100% enthusiastic / being thought to be less than 100% enthusiastic / being denounced as being less than 100% enthusiastic etc was enough to get you killed.

    How true it is, I don’t know – but have read that the terrified audience at Stalin’s speeches would clap for hours for fear of being shot if they were the first to stop.

    (Pleased to see your article on your harassment by the Met’ at the instigation of Fiyaz Mughal being re-posted on JW, by-the-way. All the best.
    PS – if you set up a fund for your defence, I will contribute. Cheers.
    PPS – irrelevant, but surely the word is “schilling” rather than “shilling” ?)

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