Public information post – Rod Liddle’s original Spectator article on crappy people who should not vote

The writer Rod Liddel


Earlier this month the Spectator columnist Rod Liddle published an article where he jokingly wondered whether or not Britain would be better off with the extra Tory MP’s that could be elected if the more crap elements of British society didn’t bother voting that day. As I said in my article on this subject earlier, ‘Rod Liddel did nothing wrong’, Mr Liddle was taking the piss out of a whole load of people, extremist Muslims, brainwashed students and those who would vote for anyone posessing a red flag, a vagina and a bad attitude to men.

Mr Liddle’s columns often attract the ire of those who deserve to be mocked, you know the usual identity politics suspects, but this time there was a massive attempt to deplatform Mr Liddle by both the Tell Mama group and the Muslim Council of Britain. Both these groups are very favourable to the idea of censorship of discussion and criticism of Islam and they went really over the top in handwringing condemnation of Mr Liddle.

Unfortunately it seems that the editors of the Spectator magazine may have cucked out to pressure from various Islamic groups and individuals and they have allegedly edited the article in their online edition. I cannot confirm this at the moment as the Spectator magazine is behind a paywall. But in the event that this is the case and the article has been amended in order to please the Muslims, I thought it would be a good thing to put up a scan of the original article from the Spectator’s print edition. This you can find by clicking on the .pdf link marked ‘Liddle’ below. Please enjoy.
