Bye bye then. Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.


If ever there was a prima face case of fake victimhood claiming it is these statements from British Muslims who say they will leave the UK because of Boris Johnson’s massive win at the recent General Election. Unlike the situation which faced Jews should Corbyn’s Commies have taken power, Muslims in the UK face no threat from Boris Johnson nor from the majority of Britons. Individuals from the Islamic communities are remarkably well tolerated by Britons. This tolerance exists, admirably in my view, despite there being notable problems caused to the rest of us by Islam such as crime, organised sexual abuse and terrorism. This shows a remarkable level of tolerance on the part of non-Muslim Britons and shows up as a lie the idea that Britain is mired in ‘Islamophobia’. Most sensible Britons can tell the difference between a dangerous ideology and a relatively harmless individual Muslim person.

The article about the ‘fleeing’ Muslims in the Metro newspaper is a complete and utter joke. If these political Muslims and whiners about nothing are telling the truth about their plans to leave then all I can say is that these are people that Britain would be better off without. Both Manzoor Ali and both seem as if they are whining about nothing.

The Metro said:

However, after Mr Johnson’s Conservatives won a landslide in the election on December 12, Manzoor Ali, who runs the Barakah Food Aid charity in Greater Manchester, said that his family have given him their blessing to move to a place that would be safe and secure for them. Mr Ali told ‘My charity has been going on for 10 years, we’ve helped people from all walks of life, including former soldiers and white working class English people. ‘But I’m scared for my personal safety, I worry about my children’s future.’

Mr Ali, your family is probably far safer in the United Kingdom than they would be if they lived in say, Pakistan for example? It appears that what has put Mr Ali wrongly in fear of a pogrom are the Prime Minister’s previous comments about how it is somewhat natural to fear Islam and his comments about the Burqa. These were very reasonable comments by the PM as there is a lot to fear when it comes to the ideology of Islam and also that although there’s no law against them, Islamic face coverings are culturally out of place in the UK. Mr Ali is looking to go to New Zealand as he seems to prefer that nation’s current Islamopandering government to the UK.

Another Muslim who is playing the victimhood game, even though in much of the world it is Islam that is the oppressor ideology is the other person, Eidan, that this Metro article is quoting.

Eidan, 38, an IT consultant from North London who said she was ‘very scared’ following the result of the election, especially after being assaulted previously, with her headscarf ripped off and people calling her a ‘terrorist’ in public in recent years. She fears the result will embolden ‘racists and islamophobes’. Eidan told ‘I’ve actively started looking for jobs elsewhere, maybe Turkey, maybe Pakistan. ‘I’m very very scared.

Have you ever heard such empty and baseless hyperbole? So she’s been called a few unpleasant names, possibly following Islamic terror attacks, so what? I get called various names all the damn time and I don’t think like this. Whilst I admit that the pulling off of headscarves is wrong and would constitute the offence of assault, I also have to bear in mind that a lot of these ‘hijab pulling’ stories turn out to have little basis in reality or are not what they are at first seen as. I have to laugh at this lady saying that because she feels ‘scared’ in the UK she’s looking at moving to Pakistan. Has she been there? Does she know what a complete shithole that country is in and how low she will be valued because she is a woman? She’s better off in the UK but if she wants to flounce off because she’s not being pandered to here there and everywhere, then she is free to go. Unlike the women of Saudi Arabia she can leave and no man can stop her.

These two people are panicking over nothing and I have to wonder why they are doing it? Is it to get personal attention or is, for some political reason, to promote the unfounded idea of ‘Muslim victimhood’. It also helps the cause of the equally false and highly insulting idea that we non Muslim Britons can’t tell the difference between an exploding Islamist and an integrated, loyal and hard working British Muslim subject. These two whining Muslims are welcome to leave if that is their choice, nobody is going to stop them going.