Some positive fallout from the current USA -Iran conflict


Much of the Left in both the USA and the UK has been wailing and gnashing their teeth and rending their garments over the drone strike on a high level Iranian terrorist that occurred recently. This sort of ululating is something that they do on a regular basis when the West takes any form of military action. They did it over Vietnam, the Falklands conflict, the Iraq War and Afghanistan. A large part of the Left also whitewashed the government of the Soviet Union and, in my view shamefully, did the same even when it became known that the Soviet leader Josef Stalin was a genocidal despot. Similarly it is a rare Western Leftist who will criticise the Communist Party that currently rules modern China. The Left, like the environmental movement, is notably silent on China.

Sometimes the left has managed to get their own way and has been in some ways a fifth column which has undermined the West, as they did to a large extent with Vietnam where the antiwar movement in the USA and the rest of the West, contributed greatly to public opinion turning against the war. But today with regards to the USA – Iran conflict, there are signs that it is the Left that may be on the losing side.

Outside of the left leaning commentariat and the Labour Party and those who get their information from the BBC, President Trump’s policy of going after Iran, following major provocations, may be much more popular than the Leftist establishment thinks. Ordinary informed citizens and subjects understand quite well that Iran is a violent and oppressive theocracy that funds terrorist groups across the world and keeps its own citizens in chains. Let’s face it Iran isn’t exactly on most people’s choice of holiday destination is it?

Another aspect of this conflict which is going to hurt the Left badly, if there is any justice, is that it is exposing the Left’s links with and sympathy for radical Islam. There’s a brilliant piece on TR News the Tommy Robinson organisation website that goes into these links between the Left and radical Islam in great detail and which I would strongly recommend that people read.

TR News said:

Iran and its leadership were outraged that America drew a line in the sand, forcefully dealt with its proxies, and killed a beloved General who spread terror all over the world. The political left denounced Donald Trump and literally pleaded with Iran to avoid taking any retaliatory action, what was Trump’s crime? He hit back at Iran AFTER Iranian financed proxies killed an American.

Trump’s political detractors attacked him BEFORE the intelligence services had briefed them on the lead up to the decision to take General Soleimani out. Calls of “world war three” rang out across the American airwaves and in the printed gutter press. The American left showed solidarity towards a man and a Shia Islamist leadership responsible for killing their troops while simultaneously condemning a president who defends them!

There is very little that I disagree with in this section of the TR News piece. The Left have indeed sided with a brutal theocratic dictatorship and one that has killed not only Americans but innocent people both inside and outside of Iran.

As I said earlier this sort of behaviour is par for the course when it comes to the Left, they will always whine when the West defends itself and stand up for an anti-West cause. But this time things are different. Not only are President Trump’s actions more popular than the MSM may want us to believe, but now we are more readily noticing that the Left has aligned itself with Iran. Unlike with Vietnam and Iraq, the Left cannot in any way claim, falsely or not, that they are occupying the moral high ground. Also, as opposed to what happened in the past, there are far more opportunities for the ordinary citizen or subject to get their own information about what is going on in the world, we are not for example in Britain, wholly reliant on the BBC for information about what is going on in Iran. We can now all see that the Iranian government is a despotic theocracy and a loose cannon on the world stage. We can also see that the Left has aligned themselves with this evil theocracy and that the Left’s moral compass is completely warped almost beyond repair.

Because we can see what is going on better and the Left have handily declared what side they are on (Clue: It’s not ours) I think that their cleaving to the Iranian regime may rebound badly on them. Less ordinary people are going to be hoodwinked by the Left over Iran than they were over the Iraq War in the early part of the 21st century. I very much doubt that the Left could get even a fraction of the numbers of ordinary people to turn out to support the cause of ‘hands off Iran’ than they did back in February 2003 when the protest was about Iraq.

Aligning themselves to Iran may be one of the biggest mistakes the Western Left has made in recent years. This is because it shows them up for the anti democratic, West hating fools that they are. This alignment with evil may well do great damage to the Western Left, which is something that anybody who believes in freedom should be hoping and praying for. The Iranian Left at the time of the Iranian Islamic Revolution in the late 1970’s thought that they could use the Mullahs as a way of gaining power but instead the Mullahs brutally wiped out Iranian Leftists. Such a fate does not await the Western Left, instead their fate will be to be seen as a foolish irrelevance, something that should have happened to the far Left decades ago.


3 Comments on "Some positive fallout from the current USA -Iran conflict"

  1. Siddi Nasrani | January 12, 2020 at 10:46 pm |

    ” Links between the Left and radical Islam ” I could not agree more, I read a book called ” United in Hate ”
    by Jamie Glazov . Published in 2009 in the USA, the sub title said,- The Left’s Romance with Tyranny & Terror.
    I highly recommend reading this book for all people seeking the reality to what is going on in today’s mad world.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 13, 2020 at 7:10 am |

      I’ve not read that book but I know of it. What I’m seeing on the news media this morning is that ordinary Iranians are risking all and turning out to protest against their government over the issue of the plane being downed. So far it looks as if Trump has played a complete blinder here and seriously discombobulated the Iranian theocratic regime.

  2. I’d agree with you that the left is making a mistake aligning with Iran. Unfortunately not such a big mistake as we would like as their core supporters are so dumb that someone could dismember every member of a family just to the right of them and they are so morally corrupt that they would applaud it and nominate it for an oscar.

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