Freedom starts here

This is a timed post uploaded earlier today.  It’s a timed post partially because I’m probably going to be too busy celebrating Brexit day and also because I don’t ‘do’ politics if I can help it between Friday Night and Saturday Night, after all even the Almighty took a day off.

Tonight, at this very moment in time, Britain changes.  No longer will we be beholden to the European Union and can look outwards again with regards trade instead of having trade regulated by the EU.  We deserve to be in a celebratory mood, it’s been a huge undertaking to escape the EU that has encompassed decades of campaigning, a referendum campaign, several changes of Prime Minister after the Referendum and the massed battalions of a heavily Remain Establishment.

Tonight we celebrate, tomorrow and Sunday we recover from the celebrations but come Monday morning the real work begins.  This is the work of making Britain the innovative go-getting nation that we can be, the work of negotiating trade deals,  the work of investing in research and development and the equally important job of repairing the massive damage that the EU and the political Left have done to our nation, our people and our civil rights.  I’m backing a better more independent Britain where freedom and free trade again reigns instead of the social control and protectionism that is the EU’s preferred path.

Long live a free Britain – God Save The Queen