Message from the UK Home Office to the UK’s people reads: ‘F**k Off you plebs’.

Building a 'safe, just and tolerant society? Yeah as if.


The Home Office, under the umbrella of the current Government, has issued a reply to the petition started by Jonathan Wong about the Government’s failure to release a report into Grooming Gangs that was commissioned by former Home Secretary Sajid Javid.  That reply, which was the result of a petition that garnered over 122,000 signatures from Britons, can be summed up quite concisely in the phrase: “Fuck off you plebs”.

I say this because it is like worthless and inconsequential plebs is how the Home Office is treating the British people over this. They refuse to let us have information that would allow Britons to see how badly the problems of specifically Islamic Rape Gangs are affecting certain towns and cities. Information about the extent of the problem is something that is sorely needed in order to stop this problem by both police action and the education of those in the potential victim groups chosen by these gangs. Also releasing this information may also go a long way to stop any denialism of this problem that may be going on among some Muslims and among the more deluded followers of the left wing of politics that treats complaints about Islamic Rape Gangs as ‘racist’.

The problem of Islamic Rape Gangs is becoming more and more well documented as time goes by. We know now from the evidence supplied by victims and even from some of the perpetrators themselves, that there is a cultural and religious aspect to these terrible sex and sex trafficking crimes. In order to stop these crimes by something as simple as Britons, as some Sikhs and Hindus do, counselling their daughters about the dangers posed by sexual grooming that comes from one particular part of the community, solid information is required. Unfortunately when we’ve asked nicely and by using the proper channels, those who have the information commissioned by a former Home Secretary, we get told to ‘Fuck off you plebs’. The Home Office has basically told Britons that we do not deserve and are not adult enough to have information that would allow us to protect our children and to help the police to bring these criminals to justice.

However the statement put out by the Home Office is, when it has been examined, been shown to be much worse than the arrogant ‘Fuck off you plebs’ metaphorical headline to the statement. The Home Office is giving the impression that it is trying to universalise the problem and not recognise or accept that whilst all child sex crime is bad, it’s not all of the same type. It looks very much as if the Home Office will try to bury the knowledge that Muslims and especially Pakistani Muslims are the main perpetrators in what the government’s National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP), called Type 1 grooming which is on street grooming specifically targeting vulnerable underage girls. With Type 1 Grooming it is the vulnerability aspect of the victim that is important as opposed to Type 2 Grooming which is grooming by adults who have a specific sexual interest in children rather than choosing their victim on vulnerability grounds. CEOP found in 2012 that 100% of Type 2 offenders were white whereas 75% of the Type 1 offenders were ‘Asian’ (for that read Islam – Ed).

The counter extremism group Quilliam also looked into the matter of Islamic Rape Gangs and said in a report, published in 2017, said that whilst South Asian Males being only 7% of the UK’s population, they made up 84% of grooming gang convictions. Quilliam also said that the vast majority of those South Asians convicted of grooming offences were Pakistani Muslims. It’s obvious that Britain has a problem with Islamic Rape Gangs,the court cases, the testimonies from both victim and perpetrator, the academic research and several wide ranging enquiries into specific cases of Islamic Rape Gang activity, they all show what is happening. Unfortunately the Home Office do not take the step of admitting to the public, you know the ones that pay the Civil Service wages, that we have a problem. Instead of doing the right and proper thing and treating us like adults and letting us have this information that could help communities and police stamp out this problem via education and police action, the Home Office has opted for treating like naughty children who cannot be trusted with such information.

The Statement put out by the Government was as mealy mouthed as it could get. It shied away from the idea that some communities may commit more of a particular crime than others and as Sargon of Akkad stated in recent video, ‘it could have been written by someone working for the Guardian’. The statement univeralised a problem that we can see from the evidence that has come out already, is a particularist problem, one where Muslim men are extremely over-represented among the ranks of those who perpetrate a particular type of sex crime. The Home Office has fallen back on what it has become known for, unfortunately, over the last decade and that is pandering to Islam.

The Home Office in its statement has also revealed what the Civil Servants think of the British public. Part of the statement read:

Group-based child sexual exploitation is a particularly repugnant form of abuse that has a devasting impact on villages, towns and communities, particularly where it has gone on for years. These unthinkable crimes tear neighbourhoods apart and leave lasting scars that go beyond the direct victims. Extremists may also seek to exploit legitimate concerns to sow further division. The Government will continue to challenge these views and to help communities unite.

What utter and complete bollocks that paragraph is. It shows that the Home Office and the government doesn’t trust the British people with this information lest we all become anti Muslim extremists and lynch our Muslim neigbours, something that many of us would never contemplate doing. What a disgraceful and indeed snobbish view of the average Briton from the government which shows that they believe that finding out about the extent of the problem would turn us all into screaming Nazi bootboys. It seems that I have more trust that the average Briton will not turn on innocent people who just happen to be Muslim than do the Civil Servants of the Home Office.

As for division, well that ship has sailed hasn’t it? The nation is already divided and that division has not been brought about by the actions of anyone else but by the Islamic community and some of its members. It is not Christian, Jew, Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist British people that have done things that have harmed or killed Britons via terror attacks, mass rapes and by communal aggression, thereby increasing ‘division’, it’s the Islamic community that has produced those who have done these things. The phrase in the above paragraph that reads: The Government will continue to challenge these views and to help communities unite’, makes me want to puke. It’s a phrase that really could have come from the pen of a particularly achingly politically correct Guardian writer. Why on Earth would anyone want to ‘unite’ with a community that follows an ideology that preaches ‘death to the Jews’, or which produces a disproportional amount of terrorists and gang rapists? Would you want to play nicey-nicey and be pally with a community that produced the men who gang raped your neighbour’s daughter? No of course you would not. To do so would be neither realistic or indeed reasonable and the ‘communites unite’ line is pure politically correct bullshit. However, what it does show is that the Home Office sees any of those Britons who wish to speak up about the issue of Islamic Rape Gangs as all being ‘extremists’. It’s a good example of how in this statement the Government is treating itself as an all knowing, infallible deity, whilst treating the rest of us as mere worthless plebs.

When I wrote about the Government’s original refusal to release the report back in February of this year, I said that the Home Office and the Government must be scared shitless of what this report contains. I said:

I believe that at heart the Home Office is scared shitless. They must be to suppress this report with such lame and contradictory excuses. If, as I suspect, that this report shows that the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs is not only far bigger than we imagined and confirms what many of us believe that there is a religious and cultural component in these rape gangs, then the Home Office may be panicking about the public’s reaction to it. This is especially the case if the report contains information that is highly unflattering to Islam. Say for example, that the report confirmed that which many non Muslims living in Islamic areas suspect, that there is a communal and religious tacit permission to rape non-Muslims which in turn is strengthened by Islamic racism and culturalism aimed towards non-Muslims, I can see that causing anger that is both great and quite frankly justified.

I stand by what I said there. Releasing this report may bring out some anger at both the Islamic community and various police forces. But is this anger justified, yes it is, provided that it is expressed in a peaceful way. Unlike the Home Office I don’t believe that given this information we would all magically morph into being brownshirts, I think the vast majority of people would be shocked by the information but would not go off the rails.

I also still believe that not releasing this report is going to be counterproductive in the long run. The failure to make public this report is going to engender all sorts of speculation as to what it may or may not contain. Questions such as: Are the problems much worse than the public thought? Do some of these gangs have communal and specifically religiously communal permission to commit these crimes? Hiding this report from the public is going to create more extremists than may have been created or emboldened by releasing it. Not only are the government not giving us answers to the sorts of questions asked above, but they are also feeding rumour mills that will, in time, be seen by many Britons to be more reliable than a government and mainstream media that can do little more than bleat the words ‘religion of peace’ whenever the subject of Islam comes up.

The issue of Islamic Rape Gangs, their history, their background, prior police response to them, the extent of their activity and the need to find a policy to stop them, is a massive suppurating boil on the body of Britain at the moment. The government could have chosen to lance that boil, get the pus out and start to be honest about the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs which is the first step that needs to be taken in order to stop them. Unfortunately the government has taken the path of cowardice instead of bravely lancing a potentially explosive boil and decided to continue to hide this vital report from the public.

Despite the government’s refusal to release this report, I still believe that the government should continue to be pressed on this issue. They should be pressed via the usual method of trying to get individual MP’s onside with the idea of lancing the Islamic Rape Gang boil by being honest about it. I do see demonstrations on the horizon about this and the mass rape of Britain’s children, no matter what the race or religion of the perpetrator or victim, is a subject that many people would be willing to turn out for.

If the government thought that by hiding this information from the public it would stop people following the likes of Tommy Robinson, then they are very much mistaken. It is more than likely to be the case that the government by refusing to release the report have instead created 122,000 new potential Tommy Robinson’s among those angered by the government’s decision on the release of the report. There are now, because of the government’s decision, a great deal more Britons who are aware about not only the existence of Islamic Rape Gangs, but who are also now informed of the Government’s craven attitude towards social problems that have an Islamic aspect to them. And so the boil grows bigger and more poisonous and more potentially disruptive to lance easily. I fear the government has made a short term bad decision that could have longer term bad consequences not just in the area of community cohesion but also in the relationship between government and governed which may well show the folly of a government saying to its people ‘Fuck off you plebs’.

6 Comments on "Message from the UK Home Office to the UK’s people reads: ‘F**k Off you plebs’."

  1. That was a great piece. Direct and scathing as well it should be. We’re being mugged off yet again whilst survivors carry on being tormented by deranged narcissistic leftists who are under the delusion they’re ‘Anti Racist’ it’s time The Home Offer was the subject of mass demonstration over this appalling decision and patronisingly arrogant response.

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 28, 2020 at 5:34 am |

      Kerryj, thank you very much for the compliment. We are indeed being mugged off by the Government and in particular by the Home Office. I agree that the Home Office has seemingly played the key role, through its responsibilities for policing, in trying to push the issue of Islamic Rape Gangs under the carpet in order to protect their particular flavour of multiculturalist ideology. If there are to be peaceful demonstrations held to protest the issue then the Home Office is most surely a suitable target.

  2. I could not agree more F221.
    There is only one point on which I disagree. It’s an irrational point but one widely held. Consider:
    1. “Racism” has nothing to do with race, it is about oppressor/oppressed ergo only white people (oppressors) can be racist, BME (oppressed and particularly Muslims) can’t be racist – no matter what.
    2. It is “Islamophobic” AND “racist” to object to any expression of “Muslimness” (APPG on Islamophobia). Therefore objecting to Muslims raping non-Muslims is both Islamophobic and doubly racist since the rapists are BME.

    Hence the actions of these Muslims (A) isn’t racist (ironically it actually isn’t, more in a moment) and (B) to suggest that there is a racial motive is itself racist.

    Even the CEOP report with its “Type 1 grooming [where] it is the vulnerability aspect of the victim that is important” misses the most glaringly obvious point that the vast majority of the victims of these gangs (at the last count >99%) are non-Muslim. So this “Type 1 grooming” not only looks for vulnerability (“Easy meat” as another more honest and eponymously titled report had it) but also that the victims are specifically “worthless” kaffirs.
    Thus there is a clear *religious* dimension to such grooming and the “Easy Meat” report makes a good case that such actions are Jihadist in nature.

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 30, 2020 at 5:45 am |

      I concur, maybe I should have included the Leftist definition of ‘racism’ as being about power and privilege, if only to show how irrational this view is (after all, anyone not just white people can be racist) when compared to many dictionary definitions. Of course there are aspects of these crimes that show a religious dimension but at present no politician or civil servant or police officer will speak that truth. Of course that does not mean that every Muslim man is a rapist, it just means that Islam creates societies and cultures which produce a greater proportion of men who rape.

  3. Gila Carcas Wittow | April 29, 2020 at 10:49 am |

    Sadly, you are right. And it WILL be counterproductive in the long run. Personally I’ve been speaking out on my own youtube channel against the evil parts of Islamic political ideology with regard to the treatment of non-adherents as well as other issues regarding freedom, especially freedom of speech, and human rights ever since Tommy Robinson was so unjustly sent to jail in May 2018. This is my own reaction to the pc carefully crafted response from the Home Office to the petition:

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 30, 2020 at 5:50 am |

      Dr Whittow, like you I fear that the bad stuff that is going to come out of the Home Office’s actions in suppressing this report may be worse than the problems that may be caused by releasing it. I watched your you tube video about this issue and I really liked it. Kol HaKavod. If you don’t mind I’d like to use your video as a standalone article on here to highlight the fact that the concerns about not releasing this report are widening.

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