Khan must go.

Sadiq Khan - Wrong again. This time about what terror threat is of most concern.


London has had leaders or mayors that can be classified as good, bad or indifferent. Some have proposed policies that we now look back at with disbelief such as building a motorway system that would terminate in the centre of London. Some like Sir Horace Cutler have been showmen who liked to see their names plastered on the front of major projects. Others like former Greater London Council (GLC) leader Ken Livingstone, threw money at left wing causes whilst failing to ensure that the education authorities that they were linked to such as the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA), provided Londoner’s children with an adequate education.

I’ve been looking back at London’s leaders going back to the days of the creation of the GLC in 1965 and examining their records. Some of these leaders have been good, some have done bad or stupid things and some have just been a bit ‘meh’ in the impression that they made on the historical record of London’s governance.

But one thing stands out for me and that is that Sadiq Khan must be the worst leader that London has had in the more than half century since the GLC replaced the London County Council.

Sadiq Khan has presided over a complete mess that is mostly of his own and his party, the Labour Party’s, making. His term in office has been characterised by a horrific rise in street crime and gang violence that has taken the lives of many Londoners and is a burden that has fallen especially hard on Black Londoners. Whilst ignoring or paying lip service to the carnage that has grown on London’s streets, Khan pumped £1.7M of taxpayer’s money into a ‘hate crime hub’ that appears to have done little more than be either a money pit or a tool for certain Islamic activists to use to silence critics. All this whilst the children of Londoners bleed out in the streets.

He has failed to invest in public housing to the extent that he promised and London’s transport system is ruinously expensive to use and under Khan Transport for London the entity responsible for London’s transport, has had to be bailed out by the government. Khan has also treated London’s drivers and haulage companies like little more than cash cows and has hampered the ability of London’s businesses to grow with various bits of worthless ‘environmental’ virtue signalling.

Khan has also used his platform, a platform that he was given in order to benefit all Londoners, to grandstand about political issues that are and should be no concern of him. He has bitched on about President Trump and also tacitly encouraged by his racial and communal rhetoric the demonstrations in London by the thugs and vandals of the BLM/Marxist grouping. It was Khan not the government who decided, shamefully, to cover up the statue of Winston Churchill rather than allocate police officers to protect it.

Then there is the waste and cronyism that has all too often characterised Khans term in office. With Khan, provided that you are one of his mates or share his party affiliation or tick the correct demographic boxes, then it’s six figure salaries all round. Khan appointed a Labour councillor from a council with an appalling street violence record to a position supposed to tackle street violence. Khan also appointed in 2016 a gay nightclub performer, Amy Lame, to the position of ‘Night Tsar’ to promote and protect London’s night time economy of clubs, pubs and music venues. She is paid £75k for a job that she has spectacularly failed to do. Individual councils are still clamping down on late night venues even when such a clamp down is not wanted by local residents. Amy Lame, like the rest of Khan’s Cronies, is a waste of both money and space.

Khan needs to go before he destroys more of London than he already has. It’s worth watching the video embedded below of Home Secretary Pritti Patel lambasting Khan for his utter and complete failure to run London properly. She has advised Londoners to vote for someone else next time. I agree with her, Khan has been an unmitigated disaster for London and the challenges of Covid19 and the arrival of the BLM/Marxist thugs onto the streets of London has only highlighted Khan’s abject failure. It’s worth taking a look at the comments below the Pritti Patel video as they are overwhelmingly critical of Khan and come not just from white Londoners but from ethnic minority Londoners as well. Khan has failed. He’s failed every Londoner and failed London as a whole. Khan must go. If he can’t be voted out because the electoral system in London has been corrupted by fake postal votes then the Prime Minister should use other means to remove this man. Margaret Thatcher abolished the GLC in the mid 1980’s in order to put a stop to Ken Livingstone’s dangerous and damaging waste and left wingery, when it comes to Khan and the current Greater London Authority, maybe Boris Johnson the Prime Minister should consider a similar action to remove Khan and his fiefdom?