Could someone please help these poor police officers…….


…….They seem to have misplaced their dignity and self respect and are scrabbling around on the floor trying to find it.

What you see here is officers from West Midlands Police, the force that covers Britain’s second biggest city Birmingham, kneeling in support of Black Lives Matter protestors.  Personally I find this action disgusting and one that does not fit well at all with the Peelian Principles of policing which state that police should act without fear or favour and should not be involved in political activities.  When this sort of thing happens is it any wonder that support and respect for the police among the wider British population is plummeting at such a rapid rate.

2 Comments on "Could someone please help these poor police officers……."

  1. Gila Carcas Wittow | June 21, 2020 at 5:53 am |

    Absolutely. Truly sad to see. ALL lives matter and the police are supposed to be there to protect ALL lives equally.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 21, 2020 at 5:56 am |

      Spot on there. All Lives Matter. My own view is that this is a dangerous road for the UK police to go down. The public image of the police is already damaged over the issue of Grooming Gangs and the lack of action that they’ve taken against them and their heavy handed handling of the lockdown rules. The very last thing that the police need is Britons seeing the police as a political force.

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