Terrorist attack in Reading?

Location of the town of Reading in Berkshire

UPDATE:  Police have just confirmed that this incident was indeed terrorism.  Follow up article below


This is an evolving story and one that may well turn out to be a terrorism one or a mental illness one or even a combination of the two. Three people are dead after being stabbed seemingly at random in an incident in a park in Reading, Berkshire.

A man said to be a 25 year old Lybian ‘refugee’ is alleged to have approached groups of people in the park and stabbed people at random. The Lybian ‘refugee’ has been apprehended by police and arrested. It is not known at this time how many people have been injured in addition to those who were killed.

This is not said to be connected to a protest by BLM / Marxists that took place in the area earlier on Saturday when the stabbings occurred. Sky News is reporting that the demonstration had ended before the stabbings happened.

The police are being cagey about motivations for this attack and are not ruling out terrorism although the ongoing involvement in this case of South East Anti Terrorism Command does suggest that the police have not yet discounted a terrorism angle. Counter terror officers have raided the alleged assailant’s home and according to Sky, a loud explosion was heard after the counter terror officers went into the arrested man’s home. At least twelve hours have elapsed since the attack and counter terror officers have still yet not been stood down from this case, so I’ll leave you all to make up your own minds on what is happening.

As I said this is a developing story and this may well be just the actions of an imported unstable nutcase but then again it may well be something much more than that. The We’ve Got a Problem YouTube channel has some commentary on this case made last night and also has video footage of the alleged assailant being arrested.

If this is terrorism and not just the work of a common or garden violent nutter, then an attack on somewhere like Reading marks a departure from the usual targeting of such attacks which have mostly been on concerts, centres of government and culture, tourist attractions or against those who foolishly believe that jihadis can be ‘reformed’. It could well be the case, if this is indeed terrorism related, that Islamic terrorists are now going after random people in equally random areas, which would mean that many more Britons could be at risk of such randomised terrorism than was previously the case.

2 Comments on "Terrorist attack in Reading?"

  1. The left will be silent about the 3 victims while banging on about one convicted criminal dying in police hands 4000 miles away. What amazes me it that they seem oblivious to the face that these BLM protests are making them many more enmities than new friends. They truly live in their own isolated little bubble. I think their antics helped the rise of the real racist and fascist BNP a few years back before they imploded due to factors completely unconnected with the hysterical antics of the radical left.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 21, 2020 at 9:18 am |

      Michael, welcome to Fahrenheit211. You are correct that this incident will yet again highlight he hypocrisy of the Left. I think that many reasonable people would agree that George Floyd did not need or deserve to die at the hands of police officers, but equally we can be aware that this guy was a violent criminal with a record for violence and has no connection with a country thousands of miles away that has to all intents and purposes put into reality MLK’s dream of a nation where people are judged by what they do rather than what they are.

      I completely agree that the antics of the BLM / Marxists are making things worse and not better. As I said in a previous post on this issue entitled ‘How to create racists the BLM way’ https://www.fahrenheit211.net/2020/06/05/how-to-create-racists-the-blm-way/ that BLM are creating racism where there once was none or very little. This, as someone who marched against the NF back in the eighties, scares the willies out of me because I’m worried about where this will all end up. Yes Britain faces challenges, but these challenges are little or nothing to do with race and are much more linked to the issues of the sort of ideologies promoted by both the Left and by Islamists.

      The BNP as you say has imploded, from what I can see by way of internal arguments, but the sort of nutters who support the fascist politics have not gone away, they’ve just put on suits and shoved more honey onto their ideology. Groups like Patriotic Alternative (who I believe are neither patriotic because of their lauding of Nazism nor a realistic alternative to the mainstream parties) are exploiting BLM for their own ends.

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