Will she deliver? Or is Pritti Patel all talk and no action?

Current Home Secretary Pritti Patel.


There was an interesting story in the Sunday Express this week. Apparently the Home Secretary Pritti Patel is going to try to close the loopholes that allow failed asylum seekers to keep bringing vexatious appeals in order to stay in the UK. This ability, exploited by both failed asylum seekers and left wing lawyers, to keep appealing against removal, has prevented successive governments from removing those who either have no grounds for asylum or who have committed crimes whilst in Britain as an asylum seeker or a refugee. The failure to remove unwanted failed and often fake asylum seekers and those asylum seekers who have committed serious crimes, is something that is pissing off a large number of Britons, it certainly pisses off me.

According to the Express report Ms Patel has been approached by an influential group of Conservative MP’s called the ‘Common Sense Group’ to remove some of the massive holes in the UK’s immigration enforcement system.

The Express said:

HOME Secretary Pritti Patel is planning to overhaul the asylum system to stop it being abused by “vexatious claims” championed by “lefty activist lawyers”.

The changes are expected to tabled in the Foreign National Offenders Bill which will unpick the “over generous” rules set in 1999 by Tony Blair’s Immigration and Asylum Act. The Sunday Express understands that the plans were put in motion following a meeting between the Home Secretary and the influential new Common Sense group of more than 40 parliamentarians set up by former security minister Sir John Hayes to tackle the problems of holes in the immigration system.

According to a source close to Ms Patel she is “fed up with lefty activist lawyers” using public money to bring “relentless” challenges to attempts to deport foreign nationals, usually criminals, who have no right to be in the country.

The source noted: “The Home Secretary is clear that she does not want murderers, drug pushers or grooming gang members who have no right to be here to remain in this country.”

The source added: “The problem is that one excuse to remain gets turfed out by the courts and then they just come back with another one. It’s relentless.

She wants to put an end to the stream of vexatious claims and make it easier and quicker to deport people who have no right to be here.”

It should be noted here that the Express is using an anonymous source, how reliable this source is is difficult to say. This anonymous source might genuinely be someone close to Ms Patel trying to get her ideas out before the public without involving the Civil Service, on the other hand it might just be complete BS. Time will tell.

Assuming for a moment that this story and its source is genuine, time will also tell if Ms Patel’s proposed changes to asylum law are robust enough that will really make a difference or whether they will merely be ineffectual tinkering around the edges? Excuse me for my cynicism, but we’ve been here before. We’ve seen other Tory Home Secretaries, going right back to the government of John Major back in the 1990’s, who have promised much when it comes to stopping the abuse of the asylum system and controlling migration but they’ve never really delivered. The migration of people to Britain who are dangerous or criminal or who come from incompatible cultures or who have turned out to be lifelong burdens to Britons has continued, despite the rhetoric of various Home Secretaries to the contrary.

It’s all too easy for Tory Home Secretaries to express tough words about migration and asylum and play to the gallery of the Tory base and to those floating voters who have seen for themselves the damage that virtually uncontrolled migration has wrought on the nation. Delivering the policies that many Britons want to see with regards migration control including the removal of unwanted or dangerous migrants on the other hand is a completely different matter. It is in this area of practical action to curb excessive migration and remove dangerous migrants where successive Tory governments have failed.

I really do hope that Ms Patel will put her money where her mouth is on this issue. The issue of excessive and incompatible migration and the flagrant abuse of the asylum system has been kicked in the long grass for far too long. It’s a problem that needs tackling and tackling soon. There are signs that the current government is prepared to stand up to the pro-migration activists and ‘refugee’ shroud-wavers, most notably in the way that the Government kicked out the Dubs Amendment to migration laws as part of the Brexit legislation.

The abandonment of the Dubs Amendment was welcomed my those such as myself who saw this legislation as a back door way of bringing to Britain fake ‘refugees’ who more than likely may not even have been children. However, the government got an awful lot of crap thrown at them for getting rid of the Dubs Amendment by pro-migrant groups, the middle class Left, religious groups that have been infiltrated by the Left and wealthy lawyers. If the Home Secretary and by extension the Government, is serious about closing all the loopholes that allow dangerous and unwanted migrants and failed asylum seekers to stay in Britain, they will face all the crap that was given to them by those who wanted to keep the Dubs Amendment and much much more.

If the Government does go ahead and close the loopholes and make Britain more difficult to enter and it easier to remove failed asylum seekers then there is going to be pushback. The Left, the corrupted religious groups, the wealthy lawyers and others will throw everything they’ve got at stopping this legislation from either being enacted in the first place, or neuter it to make it completely ineffectual. The Government should stand firm on this issue and not allow itself to be browbeaten by these groups, the vast majority of whose members do not have to suffer the sort of problems that excess and incompatible migration, along with fake ‘refugees’ bring to Britain, it’s ordinary working class Britons, both black and white who have to suffer.

I’m going to wait and see if Ms Patel and the government are serious about curbing the abuses of the asylum system and I hope they are, or whether this is the same empty rhetoric that we’ve heard about migration and asylum so many times before. I like Ms Patel, I’ve been impressed with her words, but now she needs to take proper action, not just words, to tackle a problem that has been allowed to fester like a pustule on Britain’s body politic for far too long.



2 Comments on "Will she deliver? Or is Pritti Patel all talk and no action?"

  1. These loopholes in favour of failed asylum seekers and refugees should have been closed a long time ago. No wonder that criminals and the like want to come here as they have all the laws under the sun on their side, get given food and money, a place to live and have little fear of the courts if they are caught committing crimes. I too like the way Ms Patel speaks. I only hope it’s not just words and we can see some action. This country is far too soft and ends up with far too many individuals that take rather than give. I hope we find our backbone sooner rather than later.

  2. Robert the Biker | July 6, 2020 at 5:24 pm |

    A good place to start would be with all the boats coming from France with Iranians and other mutts on them. If you aren’t safe in France it really is time to give it up. Also, our returning them by force if necessary would make the French do something about their border control.

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