More ‘avoidable’ deaths and injuries at an NHS hospital


The Left and Britain’s current weak-willed and horrifically statist Conservative Party government keep telling that the British National Health Service is the ‘envy of the world’ and an entity that must be protected and cherished at all costs. Unfortunately both the Left and the current government are either mistaken or lying when they say such things. In reality the NHS is all too often incompetent and inefficient, occasionally inhumane and as we can see from the latest revelations about an NHS trust, lethal to its patients. Those of us who know the reality of the NHS understand that it is possibly the very worst way to organise comprehensive healthcare for a nation’s population and because of that, unlike the government and the Left, refuse to bow down to the idol that has been made of the NHS.

According to a report in the Guardian newspaper, a left wing outlet that’s normally a cheerleader and supporter of state run services, an enquiry into the deaths of and injuries to babies at the Shrewsbury and Telford hospital NHS Trust has uncovered a further 496 cases where medical incompetence could be involved. These deaths and injuries are in addition to the 1200+ cases at this hospital trust where deaths and injuries have occurred and which are now the subject of an investigation by West Mercia Police (let’s hope that West Mercia are better at investigating the NHS than they were at investigating Islamic Rape Gangs in Telford). These additional cases of death and injury to babies at Shrewsbury and Telford hospitals take the total to nearly 1800.

The Guardian said:

Hundreds more cases of potentially avoidable baby deaths, stillbirths and brain damage have emerged at an NHS trust, raising concerns about a possible cover-up of the true extent of one the biggest scandals in the health service’s history.

The additional 496 cases raise further serious concerns about maternity care at Shrewsbury and Telford hospital NHS trust since 2000.

The cases involving stillbirths, neonatal deaths or baby brain damage, as well as a small number of maternal deaths, have been passed to an independent maternity review, led by the midwifery expert Donna Ockenden. They bring the total number of cases being examined to 1,862.

They will also be passed to West Mercia police, which last month launched a criminal investigation into the trust’s maternity services. Detectives are trying to establish whether there is enough evidence to bring charges of corporate manslaughter against the trust or individual manslaughter charges against staff involved.

The Guardian added that these extra cases come from paper records that were not previously examined by the enquiry into the medical negligence at the hospital trust as up until now only the hospital trust’s digital records had been looked at. The fact that the paper records were not included in the initial remit of the enquiry is something that I believe to be a scandalous error. It also, as the Guardian says raises concerns about a possible cover-up of the true extent of the problems at this hospital trust. At the very least, the fact that there have been so many cases of alleged medical misconduct put on paper records rather than digital, does make me wonder whether or not cases where the hospital could be seen to be at fault were recorded manually rather than digitally in order to hide them?

The scandal of the alleged medical negligence that has occurred at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust is truly appalling. Babies have died, babies have been given life changing and life limiting injuries and in some cases maternal deaths have occurred. Sadly, this is not a ‘one off’ scandal for the NHS, it is just one scandal among many and it is a scandal that is likely to exceed in number of deaths that of the Staffordshire Hospital one where between 400 and 1200 patients died because of piss poor care. Those who mindlessly cheer the NHS should realise that it is this that they are cheering. The National Health Service is nothing to celebrate or to cheer. After so many scandals, so many damaged patients and so many grieving relatives of patients who’ve died due to NHS incompetence and in some cases cruelty, you would have to be a complete idiot to cheer or support the NHS. I don’t believe that the NHS can be ‘reformed’ or ‘improved’ as some believe that it can and should be. It needs to be destroyed and in its place created a national healthcare system that puts the patient, the ultimate customer, first.

2 Comments on "More ‘avoidable’ deaths and injuries at an NHS hospital"

  1. Good post. It’s also time to stop hero worshipping the NHS. A friend of mine had to go to hospital last week and was admitted for an overnight stay and she said that the hospital was practically empty and all the staff were just talking and joking amongst each other. So it’s all very well thanking them for their ‘hard’ work but I suspect a lot of hospital staff have never had it so easy. Rant over.

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 22, 2020 at 5:06 pm |

      Thank you for the compliment. The NHS worship absolutely sickens me. It’s something that has the whiff, nay more than a whiff, more of a stench of Stalinism about it. NHS workers are indeed having a much easier time of it with most hospitals closed to all but dire emergencies and covid cases. I suspect that the outcome of the shutting down of the NHS to all but Covid cases will result in a death toll far higher than that which can or might be attributed to Covid. Huge numbers of people are not getting cancer or heart disease diagnosis in good time and all these extra deaths will be laid at the door of the politicians who panicked over a virus with a less than 1% death toll and one that seems to afflict the same people with pre existing medical conditions as seasonal flu does.

      I utterly despise the NHS. My mother would have been with us for a few more years maybe but for the tick box medicine of the NHS that mandated the prescription of an antibiotic that my Mum was resistant to. By the time the crappy medical staff realised this and listened to her carers it was too late for the correct antibiotic to be of any use. In addition to this a half trained ‘Dr Mohammed’ nearly crippled the mother of my child with a piss poorly administered epidural, my father nearly got the wrong leg operated on and my uncle suffering from liver cancer was placed in a side room filled with filthy linen items including sheets soiled with faeces. I hate the NHS with a passion. It’s a terrible way to have comprehensive healthcare and too often seems to be run for the benefit of the staff rather than for the benefit of the customers ie the patients.

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