Britain free from the EU but Ireland shafted by the EU


During the period of Theresa May’s government and the concerted efforts by Remain extremists in the political establishment to overturn the Referendum result of 2016, the European Union used the Republic of Ireland as a weapon against the British. The question of Britain’s only land border with the EU, the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, dominated the news and to the dismay of many Britons, who want friendly and profitable relations between the UK and Ireland, the Irish government seemed to be willing to do the EU’s bidding.

But, if Ireland thought that the EU would reward them for trying to scupper Brexit, then they have been very much mistaken. EU negotiations to put together a support package to deal with the after effects of Coronavirus will end up severely shafting the Republic of Ireland.

According to a report on the Irish news site Gript, Ireland is set to contribute 16 million Euros to the EU’s central pot more than it receives in support from the EU. If what Gript is saying is correct, and I would strongly advise you to read the full Gript article linked below, then Ireland has been placed in a difficult position and which will heap more stress on a country that was hit really badly by the 2008 financial crash.

Ireland is going to be squeezed by the EU until the pips squeak, to borrow a phrase coined by a British politician in relation to reparations forced on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. This is going to hurt Irish businesses and ordinary Irish men and women who will have to pay more for the EU and get back much less from them. It is a problem that is going to piled on top of other problems that Ireland has, such as the lunatic policy of having an open door for alleged ‘refugees’, something that appears to be causing increased social tension.

But for the Referendum result in 2016 that started Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, what is happening to Ireland could have happened in Britain. It could have been Britain that was being forced to pay up for the EU’s Covid policies and Britain that could have been paying vastly more to the EU than we should have paid, partially so that the Germans could pay slightly less. We had the good sense to see the EU for the club of bullies, incompetents and wastrels that it truly is and we voted to leave. I hope and pray that the good people of Ireland start to see what Britons saw and agitate to leave a bloc that will ultimately impoverish them.

Link to full Gript article

3 Comments on "Britain free from the EU but Ireland shafted by the EU"

  1. Glyn Palmer | July 23, 2020 at 12:03 pm |

    Yes, Guido linked to that article of Gript.
    I regret experiencing Schadenfreude, but the paddies were on the EU payroll vote for years enough.

  2. Perhaps it’s their penalty and punishment for beating the EU over the tax case?

  3. Maybe Ireland will be the next country to leave the moribund EU. Britain actually carrying out its pledge to leave it is a slow death wound for Brussels. And a huge kick up the a@$e for our leftist establishment. They know now that they can be defeated.

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