Holy S***. Did the USA have ‘Vice President Weinstein’?


There used to be an acronym in Britain that read ‘NSIT’. It means ‘Not Safe In Taxis’ and was a way that women could warn other women that certain men were a bit ‘gropey’ and not to be trusted in situations where women were alone with them, such as taxis. A woman would say things like ‘Be careful of that Clive, he’s NSIT’.

If the allegations being reported by Tim Pool in the video below about Joe Biden are correct, then Biden is not just ‘not safe in taxis’ but unsafe at parties, in company and or around any random women. Some of the allegations here are gobsmacking. Biden is alleged to have groped the wife of a Secret Service officer at a party, an incident that caused the woman’s husband to shove Biden out of the way. Christmas parties for Secret Service personnel tasked with protecting Biden when he was Vice President got cancelled for fear that Biden would grope any woman or teenage girl he could find.

Whilst I of course feel somewhat sorry for Biden being thrust into the Presidential race when it is obvious he is suffering from advanced mental decline, something I believe is akin to elder abuse, the allegations relayed by Mr Pool happened at a time when this decline was not happening. Joe Biden would, at the time of these alleged sexual assaults, such as grabbing the breasts and bottoms of random non-consenting women and girls, have been much more mentally healthy than he is now.

There are copious examples of Biden sniffing the hair of sometimes uncomprehending or frightened children and feeling up adult women in public, but these allegations are much worse as they happened in private and were aimed at women, such as US Navy women, who were bound by military code to obey Biden as part of the command structure. One allegation struck me as being very significant: It is that because Naval women had to follow Biden’s orders there was nothing to stop Biden doing stuff, like parading around in his official residence naked in front of them or possibly submitting to inappropriate behaviour or even sexual assaults. It was said in the video by Mr Pool that Secret Service agents schemed to remove Naval women from Biden’s presence in order to protect him from his depredations.

Whatever the faults of the current incumbents of the White House and the Vice President’s official residence, Number One Observatory Circle, at least they do not seemed to have behaved anything like as inappropriately as Biden is alleged to have done. I certainly don’t imagine that the Secret Service have to go to anything like the lengths that they did with Biden to protect female staff from the current resident Mike Pence.

It appears, at least from my viewpoint, that between 2008 and 2016, America’s Vice President was someone whose alleged behaviour is on a par with Harvey Weinstein. Now all politicians attract gossip, sometimes scurrilous and untrue gossip, we’ve seen this in the UK with the fake ‘VIP paedophile’ allegations against high profile political figures such as Lord Brittan. But the difference between the untrue allegations about Lord Brittan et al and Biden is that unlike the false ‘VIP paedos’ allegations, there is an increasing amount of evidence that Biden is more than a little gropey and definitely not safe in taxis or anywhere else.  What makes this story and the ‘More tales of Creepy Joe’ situation even more disgusting is that the US MSM are refusing to touch this story lest it harm the Democrats.  The media is biased and will not call out bad behaviour when it comes from their own side.  I suspect that if Mr Trump wins in November then the reputation of the MSM in America will end up even lower than it is at present.

Here’s Mr Pool’s video. Watch it and be utterly astounded.