From Elsewhere: Disney’s links with Chinese concentration camp administrators.


As with many of us on the counterjihad side, our argument has always been with the ideology of Islam and never or rarely the individual Muslim. This is because there is more than sufficient evidence to show that all too many Muslims are that way because of fear, brainwashing and ignorance and a large number of Muslims want to get out of Islam but find they cannot. Because of my view that the ideology not the individual is at fault, I am more than willing to condemn the treatment of Chinese Muslims by the Chinese Communist Party. For me to condemn what the Chinese government is doing to their Muslim population is a duty, silence on this issue is not an option for me. If I did say nothing about what is happening in China then I would have let down those in whose memory I say ‘Never Again’.

What is happening to Chinese Muslims is quite frankly a disgrace which has all the character of a genocide. There are mass rapes of Chinese Muslim women, forced sterilisations of Chinese Muslim women, murders and forcible organ donation. Chinese Muslims are also forced into concentration camps where they are ‘re-educated’, brutalised and killed.

I do my best to avoid Chinese products wherever possible, it’s not always easy and in some cases there’s no alternative. But we have to buy local or at least try to buy non-Chinese or from less oppressive and fascistic nations whenever we can.

The Disney corporation seems to have no such scruples. They have no problem with selling their organisation’s soul to the Chinese Communist Party. In the credits of one of the latest Disney film Mulan, they thank the government agency that administers concentration camps in Chinese Muslim majority regions for their assistance in making this movie. Just think about what this means for a moment. It’s the equivalent of Disney thanking Rudolf Hoess the Nazi commandant of the Auschwitz or Laurenty Beria, Stalin’s enforcer who killed and gulaged millions of Soviet citizens for assistance. It’s utterly and completely disgusting. It makes me want to not give my child any Disney product although to be quite frank the moral messages in Indian cartoons like Tia and Tofu are in my view way ahead in morality terms of Disney’s current output anyway.

I want to give a very loud shout out to the You Tuber The Quartering who has brought this subject of Disney’s willing cooperation with the oppressive organs of the Chinese Communist Party. This story was originally broken by the UK’s Guardian newspaper but The Quartering can bring this story to audiences who would either be unaware of the existence of the Guardian or would not otherwise read it.

Please watch The Quartering’s video on the subject of Disney’s cooperation with the agency that administers China’s concentration camps and Disney’s willingness to censor aspects of movies in order to please the Chinese government. It’s a real eye-opener and no mistake.

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