Filthy. Marxist. Scum.

Extinction Rebellion have been up to their usual destructive and pointless tricks again and one of their activists has allegedly vandalised the Churchill statue in Parliament Square only a few months after it was cleaned up after being vandalised by another group of Marxist scum, the Black Lives Matter lot.  Full story over at Guido which is where the header image originates from.


According to the London Evening Standard a person has been arrested for criminally damaging the Churchill statue.  However as the person arrested is from a left wing group, I have little confidence that he will be charged and prosecuted and even if he is a justice system dominated by lefty woke nonsense may well give him a mere slap on the wrist.



3 Comments on "Filthy. Marxist. Scum."

  1. Note the words “IS a racist” – like the thicko Lorraine “I’ve personally never met Churchill” Jones – (“community activist” and adviser to Lambeth Police) – the vandal evidently believes that Churchill is still going strong at the age of 146…..

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 11, 2020 at 9:25 am |

      You aren’t expecting intelligence and accurate English language usage from these Stinky Rebellion and BLM /Marxist clowns are you LOL?

  2. Good photo – shows police standing idle while crimes committed. No riot gear etc either as per usual

    Not expecting intelligence from police either, they think fining an old woman for walking too slowly is more important

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