Britain’s new ‘aristocratic’ bullies


Britain prior to the modern world and the Reform Acts of the 19th century was a nation where power was extremely unequally divided. The vast majority of power resided in the landed and titled gentry and virtually zero power was able to be exercised by the peasantry. It was all but impossible for a working man or woman to get justice if they were harmed or oppressed by members of the aristocracy and to all intents and purposes many members of the aristocracy could do what they wanted, and some did.

We thought the days of a tiny minority of untouchable aristos were behind us, that no more would those who claim right to oppress others by dint of birth or the favour in which they were held by the Crown or government, be able to do so. Sadly we were wrong.

There is now a new aristocracy emerging, one that adds up to approximately 0.5% of the population, whose demands are pandered to and who nearly always get their way. I speak here of the Transgenders or rather Transgender activists who are able to exercise power far far beyond what their numbers in the general population should give them.

I saw a horrible and worrying story being carried by Reclaim the Net and originally sourced from the Daily Mail. The story concerns a Christian teaching assistant who, like many of us, are worried and concerned about the content of the Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum that is being rolled out in British schools. This curriculum, one where parents have no right to either refuse or withdraw their children from, appears to be heavily influenced by those wishing to promote a gender ideology. This gender ideology is based on the, in my view false, idea that gender is fluid, that the category of man and woman do not really exist and that children, who are considered too immature to drive,smoke, drink or vote, have the ‘right’ to ‘change’ their gender even if this process involves horrific and irreversible surgery and being pumped full of cross sex hormones.

This Christian teaching assistant has lost her job on the basis of her calmly worded concerns about the RSE curriculum on social media and one, yes one, anonymous complaint, presumably from some overmighty and overindulged Trans activist. Pray tell me how different is this situation from a member of the titled land owning class, putting the boot into an uppity peasant? I tell you I can’t see a damn bit of difference between a bullying aristocrat and the bullying by trans activists.

Reclaim the Net in an email communication to supporters said:

A Christian school teaching assistant who was fired from Farmor’s School in Fairford, Gloucestershire last year after she shared concerns about plans to teach that gender is a matter of choice to young school children is seeking £56,000 ($71,560) in damages at a UK employment tribunal.

Christie Higgs had worked at the school for seven years before being fired over two Facebook posts which didn’t mention her employer and were shared under her maiden name to around 100 of her friends. The investigation that ultimately resulted in Higgs being terminated was triggered by a single anonymous complaint.

In the first October 24, 2018 Facebook post, Higgs shared her concerns about a UK government consultation into making Relationships and Sex Education mandatory in schools, described the proposal as “brainwashing our children,” and linked to a petition opposing the government’s plans.

In the second October 27, 2018 Facebook post, Higgs linked to an article about schools using brightly illustrated children’s books to teach children about transgender ideology and wrote: “This is happening in our Primary Schools now! 😥”. The books featured in the article include a book about a boy who wants to wear a dress and a book about a red crayon that discovers it’s really blue.

At the time of the second post, Higgs had discovered that several of these books had been introduced at her son’s Church of England primary school.

After Higgs made the first Facebook post, a single anonymous complaint was made to the school on October 26, 2018 which accused her of “posting homophobic and prejudiced views against the LGBT community on Facebook.”

Days after this complaint, Higgs was suspended, investigated, and ultimately dismissed in January 2019 after a disciplinary hearing.

According to the Christian Legal Center, which is representing Higgs, the school indicated that Higgs was terminated for “illegal discrimination, serious inappropriate use of social media, and online comments that could bring the school into disrepute and damage the reputation of the school.”

However, the school admitted that there was “no evidence” its reputation had been damaged to date.

Higgs has also accused a school governor and the disciplinary hearing’s chairman of branding her a “pro-Nazi,” “far-right” extremist during the disciplinary hearing.

You can read the original source for Reclaim the Net’s recounting of this horrific example of censorship and bullying by Britain’s new Trans aristocracy in the Daily Mail article linked below.

The Trans and gender identity agenda is not based on science or biology, it is based purely in ideology and nothing more concrete than that. We can look back through both human history and into the fossil record and find almost zero evidence that gender and sex are in anyway ‘fluid’ in the way that the transgender ideologues say it is. There’s probably more evidence for ‘the Divine Right of Kings’ than for much of what the Transgender activists promote and the concept of a Divine Right of Kings, is a pretty shaky one anyway. Because there is no evidence to be found for the many and varied claims made by Transgender activists, the only way that they can proceed with their plan of indoctrination of children to believe that gender is fluid, is to bully those who disagree. What has happened to Ms Higgs is a classic example of the bullying of a dissident or someone who will not agree and this bullying by 0.5% of the population and its a problem that needs to stop. People like Ms Higgs need to have the freedom to speak and voice their views, even if some miniscule number of people are ‘offended’ by her words or her viewpoint.

I would urge people to support Ms Higgs fight via the Christian Legal Centre. I don’t recommend that people contact the school, that could be completely counterproductive, but it might be a good idea to write to the local Conservative MP whose constituency covers the Fairford area. The current MP is Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown whose Cotswolds constituency includes Fairford in order to express your concern about this case and to show support for Ms Higgs. This is not just a legal fight for Ms Higgs’ rights, but a political fight for the right of every Briton to dissent over issues that concern them but which are pushed and promoted by Britain’s new Trans aristocracy.

1 Comment on "Britain’s new ‘aristocratic’ bullies"

  1. It is only a matter of time before something’s blows in society. I’m surprised Rotherham didn’t prove to be thevstraw which broke the camel’s back in 2014 but our elite are playing with fire. The disproportionate influence the left have over how society is run is this country’s worst problem from which stems the other headline making problems.

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