Another excellent video from Apostate Prophet – The (missing) Ten Commandments

The Koran, the Islamic 'Big Book of Death' .


I object completely to the description of Islam as an ‘Abrahamic religion’. Mostly my objections are down to how the moral values of Islam are a universe away from the moral values, such as they are, of Islam.

Now, the YouTuber Apostate Prophet has produced a brilliant video talking about an important omission from a Koran that both borrows from and corrupts greatly, the texts of the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian New Testament. Apostate Prophet asks a very important question: Why are the Ten Commandments (or Ten Statements if you are a Jew as this is an alternative translation of the phrase) missing from the Koran?

Yes good question there. The Ten Commandments are integral to both Judaism and Christianity and are the cornerstones of Abrahamic religious thought. The fact that they are missing gives both credence and backing to my belief that Islam is NOT an Abrahamic faith and should ceased to be treated as such. As Apostate Prophet has said, the fact that the Ten Commandments are missing from the Koran does show that Islam has much more to do with pre-Islamic Arabian polytheistic paganism than it does with either Christianity or Judaism.