We are run by ‘Princess Nut Nut’ and her pals,not by the government we elected and not in our name. This is not a place where it’s good to be.

Carrie Symonds the Prime Minister's girlfriend who is allegedly been called 'Princess Nut Nut' by Number Ten staff.


It’s pretty obvious to me that Britain is currently governed by those who operate in a type of ‘chumocracy’. Lots of London centric individuals who often went to the same schools and go to the same dinner parties and hold the same views. One of the views that they hold is an attitude of disgust towards the ordinary British people. We are to them ‘the peasants’, the ‘ignorant’ and the ‘sheep’ who do not deserve to have our views listened to and acted upon. We saw a lot of this sort of negative attitude towards ordinary Britons over the last few years over the issue of Brexit. The ‘great and the good’ fell over themselves to denounce the ordinary Briton who voted to leave the EU as ‘racists’, ‘xenophobes’ and of course ‘ignorant’.

The current government was elected in large part over the issues of Brexit and immigration and a lot of Boris Johnson’s majority has come from seats that were formerly held, sometimes for decades, by the Labour Party. Unfortunately this government is not governing in the interests of the British people as a whole, but in the interests of the London-centric ‘chumocracy’ surrounding Boris Johnson.

A good example of how this ‘chumocracy’ works is the recent goings on in Ten Downing Street where not one but two committed Brexiteers have been removed, Lee Cain and Dominic Cummings. There is an awful lot of scuttlebutt going around about the events that lead up to the resignation or removal of Mr Cain and Mr Cummings. A lot of this gossip centres around the unelected power that Boris Johnson’s girlfriend Carrie Symonds has managed to allegedly accrue to herself since Boris Johnson entered Downing Street. Ms Symonds, who is allegedly known as ‘Princess Nut Nut’ to some Downing Street staff, is a person deeply connected to various green fascist causes and organisations and is even alleged to have connections with entities with Clinton family involvement. None of this makes me inclined to like her and makes me understand exactly why she is said to be referred to as Princess Nut Nut. The very last people who should have any influence, especially unelected or unconstitutional influence over the British government is a partner of a Prime Minister. But it does seem to be the case that Boris Johnson is allowing his girlfriend influence over policy and I very much doubt that whatever policy Princess Nut Nut promotes is going to be good for the ordinary Briton.

Or course Prime Ministerial partners will to a certain extent counsel their husbands or wives and support them as did Dennis Thatcher and Mary Wilson to their respective spouses. But they didn’t, although they both had their own interests, Dennis Thatcher in business and Mary Wilson in poetry, push major policies. We can’t say the same for ‘Princess Nut Nut’. She’s a committed activist and shows no sign of having any sense of probity and leaving her activism behind whilst her partner is Prime Minister. She’s part of a dangerous, wealthy and London based clique who have far too much influence over a Prime Minister who has shown himself to be a weak man prone to making decisions based on shockingly bad or biased advice. The alleged undue influence of Carrie Symonds brings to mind the alleged undue influence of Marcia Falkender the Prime Minister’s secretary had on the Wilson government. But her influence was very minor when compared to the influence that ‘Princess Nut Nut’ holds. The Falkender/Wilson scandals related merely to the dishing out of honours to friends of Wilson and Falkender but ‘Princess Nut Nut’ has in her power to ruin whole swathes of British industry with her ‘green’ obsessions.

There is only one group of people who should hold the testicles of the Prime Minister in their hands and that is the British electorate. Unfortunately at the moment those testicles are in the hands of Carrie Symonds, a woman whom nobody elected, who holds no constitutional office, who has been not appointed to any constitutionally recognised position and who cannot be removed by the British people. That is a situation that should make any Briton very worried.

4 Comments on "We are run by ‘Princess Nut Nut’ and her pals,not by the government we elected and not in our name. This is not a place where it’s good to be."

  1. At least Lady Macbeth Mk1 had the sense to do away with herself. Perhaps..?

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 16, 2020 at 4:25 pm |

      Not sure that any of the clowns surrounding Johnson have the honour to top themselves over the damage that they’ve done. I was ambivalent about Princess Nut Nut until I found out more about her and her activities.

  2. Before 2019 GE I was concerned about Boris being in thrall of a woke sjw greenie and said he should dump her before she caused problems

    Sadly we now have Princess Nut Nut as PM with Boris reduced to a cock-led manipulated Harry Mk2

    Dom: by this woman’s account was a nice blog who treated all equally – but women don’t like equality

    “Princess Nut Nuts” Boris Sacks Cummings Over Wife Slur

    Statement from the Conservative Party, regarding allegations of in-fighting

  3. Looks like Toby read my post:;

    In the latest episode of London Calling, my weekly podcast with James Delingpole, we discuss how Boris became Prince Harry to Princess Nut Nut…

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