From Elsewhere: Proper journalism from Dan Hodges. The out of control Home Office civil servants and the grooming report.


I share very little that is politically in common with the Daily Mail writer Dan Hodges. Mr Hodges is a Blairite, pro-migration and no friend of those who blow whistles on government misconduct, and supports many policies and political currents that I find abhorrent.

But, I have to give credit where it is due to Mr Hodges, despite his more insalubrious and questionable support for causes that I disagree with, for his article on what is now a plain cover up by the Home Office about the extent of Islamic Rape Gang activity. It is excellent and the only thing that I can criticise about it is to say that its publication, just like a crackdown on the Islamic Rape Gangs themselves, should have happened years ago.

In his Mail article, Mr Hodges outlines the story of the grooming report that was ordered by Sajid Javid the former Home Secretary. Mr Javid publicly said that this report would be both comprehensive and would be publicly published. However that is not what the civil servants of the Home Office wanted. The civil service at the Home Office wanted this report buried as best as humanly possible. The senior civil servants at the Home Office not only obstructed the creation and publication of this report but also hampered the next Home Secretary, Pritti Patel, when she wanted to either see the report or know at what stage the report was at.

If what Mr Hodges has written is both true and correct and I see no evidence presented to me to show me that it is not, the what we have are senior civil servants deliberately covering up both the existence and extent of the Islamic Rape Gang problem for some reason. This cover up is both disgraceful and unacceptable and it shows just how over mighty Home Office civil servants have become if they can obstruct a minister in the way that they have alleged to have obstructed Pritti Patel.

Please read the whole Dan Hodges article via the link below.


2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Proper journalism from Dan Hodges. The out of control Home Office civil servants and the grooming report."

  1. Common Purpose – now you know what “leading beyond authority” actually means.

  2. You beat me, I was going to post Dan Hodges in comments. Source same as:

    Father arrested twice in one day by South Yorkshire Police for trying to rescue his daughter from Grooming Gang​

    Some left wing twat decided to say it was mainly white men gangs doing the grooming, and we all know that’s horse shit
    Watch Here – not YT

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