Quote of the Day 15th January 2021 – The scandal of ‘blasphemy’ executions.


This quote is a recent one from a big favourite of mine, the ex-Muslim who goes by the name of Apostate Prophet. He has quite rightly taken aim at not just the disgusting and medieval practise of killing people convicted of ‘blasphemy’, but also those in the West who refuse to see what is happening in Pakistan and are notably silent on this matter.

Apostate Prophet said:

There are still numerous people sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy. No one hears or helps them, and those who advocate for their killing experience no problems in the West, and no one truly recognizes how evil these atrocities and the religion behind them are. It is disgusting.

It is indeed disgusting that people are being sentenced to death for blasphemy per se in Pakistan. But it is in my view equally if not more disgusting that the virtue signallers in the West who are so quick to bleat about women’s rights, transgenderism, gay rights, racism and other problems that they say are prevalent in the West, but say bugger all about the monstrous abuses occurring in Pakistan. Whilst there are a large number of those sentenced to death for ‘blasphemy’ in Pakistan who are members of religious minorities, it should not be forgotten that there will be among those accused of blasphemy, Muslims who wish reform of Islam and also ex-Muslims. This illustrates something that I’ve said before, that the first victims of Islam are invariably Muslims themselves. Islam eats its own before it turns on others.

5 Comments on "Quote of the Day 15th January 2021 – The scandal of ‘blasphemy’ executions."

  1. Stonyground | January 15, 2021 at 7:07 pm |

    I would be interested to know how non Muslims came to be living there. They must have been pretty desperate people as I can’t imagine that they settled there by choice. My understanding is that India had a mix of religions which came with the usual inability to get along but they were doing their best. The Muslims, with their usual rabid intolerance demanded their own country which led to the partition that divided India and Pakistan into two seperate countries. This resulted in mass migration of non Muslims heading south and Muslims heading north and every time two different religious groups met they started slaughtering each other. Please feel free to correct me if I have any of the details wrong.

    Meanwhile India, at last free from the influence of Matatma Ghandi, is turning into a modern industrialised society. As long as Pakistan is under the influence of Islam it will continue to be a craphole.

    I long ago stopped wringing my hands over the happenings in such places. I despise all religion and regard it as poisonous infantile tripe. You are correct in pointing out that there are many idiots wringing their hands over trivia when there are far more important matters to get angry about.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 15, 2021 at 7:14 pm |

      The non-Muslims were left behind after Partition, not everyone could get out and others may well have thought ‘well it can’t be that bad living in a Muslim country, after all my Muslim friend/neighbour is a decent guy’

  2. @Stonyground
    Do you have a chin dimple?

    iirc PAKIstan was created by Ox or Cam Uni

  3. Stonyground | January 16, 2021 at 7:45 am |

    No I don’t have a chin dimple and I’m scanning my brain wondering what this is a reference to. Kirk Douglas perhaps? I’m Brian and so is my wife.

  4. @Stonyground

    Ref to a Dave Allen joke from 70/80s

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