A big win for justice and a big loss for the Left.

President Trump. He's not Hitler and it is ludictous to protest as if he is.


So, after weeks and weeks of agitating by the Left and their political serfs in the mainstream media, there is finally a result in the historic, or should I say hysterical, attempt to impeach former President Donald Trump a second time. It is only result that I say could possibly be called ‘just’ as this was plainly a political, rather than a legal attempt to stop President Trump from either running again for President or heading up a new Make America Great Again party. He has been acquitted of stirring up a riot at the Capitol Building in Washington DC by the Senate as none of the anti-Trump types, whether on the Republican or the Democrat side could garner enough votes to get the supermajority needed to convict him.

Although I’m not an American, I see this as a fantastic result. President Trump has been a particular foe of those whom many of us see as our opponents. He’s against the Left that wants to divide and enslave, he believes in nations and borders, he’s been honest about the threat posed by radical Islam and has stood up for the liberties of Americans and been a great example to those of us who aspire to a situation where our nations import and protect the liberties of speech etc that Americans have. This result is also a just result as no reasonable person listening to President Trump’s words prior to the incident on January the 6th of this year, could be in any doubt that he was asking for a political rather than a kinetic fight. He did not incite violence and this is now and has been since the incident happened, both clear and obvious.

The only people who have come out bad from this dual impeachment are those who pushed for it. They have shown that they care little for justice or the Constitution or due process, for them the ‘wind’ by any means necessary is what is important. There are big questions to be answered about the conduct of the recent Presidential election, concerns about how it was run cannot merely be dismissed as conspiracy theories as there are so many independent sources that appeared both before, during and after voting that cast doubt about the overall fairness and honesty of the electoral process. Mr Trump has under the US Constitution whether as an elected official or a normal American citizen, the right to voice his opinion about the matter of the conduct of the election and all that he did was exercise that right.

With Mr Trump and his supporters free of the impediment of the impeachment a proper plan of political action can now be formulated to take on the political vested interests that now hold sway in Washington. I predict that there will be grassroots campaigns set up to ensure that subsequent local,federal and even Presidential elections do not have the sort of questions hanging over them as the 2020 election did. I also predict that the furore over this election and the behaviour of the Democrats in government will propel many more ordinary American people into political action either on a local, State or Federal level. Those Americans who thought wrongly that ‘politics is not of interest to me’, will find that even though they take this attitude, that politics takes an interest in them. I suspect that we will be seeing more ordinary Americans whose lives were previously untouched by politics now consider running for office either for very local offices, such as school boards, or higher office in order to protect the rights of their neighbours from the depredations of the Left.

I once said on here that the next mid-term elections are going to be very interesting. However with former President Trump now free to act and to inspire his supporters, they are likely to be even more interesting.

8 Comments on "A big win for justice and a big loss for the Left."

  1. I wish I could agree, F211, but I am quite sure that the video used by the prosecutors will be a treasured possession of the American MSM and a gift that keeps on giving.
    The defence video will probably never be seen again (except, perhaps, in paid ads), so I am sure that, just as over the last four years, the MAGA “brand” will be steadily demonised as will Trump if he heads up such an organisation.

    On the matter of transparency and accountability I very much hope you are right and here I think what you say may well take place.
    Elections have to not only be free and fair they have to be seen as such. If the populace loses trust in the electoral process then “democracy” either only remains as a veneer on a different type of society or else elements of the populace will seek to use non-democratic ways to get their voices heard.
    So I very much hope that the ” grassroots campaigns [will be] set up to ensure that subsequent local,federal and even Presidential elections do not have the sort of questions hanging over them as the 2020 election did.”
    A good place to start (based on UK experience of election fraud prosecutions and convictions) would be to ban outright postal voting (except by American forces posted overseas who logically can do nothing else).
    IMO anyone who can’t be bothered to turn up at a polling station in person, which is the least open to fraud method there is, has absolutely zero right to complain about the result.

  2. The two most corrupting electoral systems are postal voting and electronic counting/voting.
    Old fashioned it may be, but the least corruptible system used bits of paper, filled on, one person one vote, in a polling station, no “voting machines” and with some form of voter identification. This is NOT a call for a National Identity Slave Card.
    Postal votes should be reserved for the genuinely disabled, armed forces on call and STUDENTS for the duration of their course, to their home towns thereby avoiding towns being hijacked by the “student vote”.
    I am not a fan of FPTP but it is a simple to administer, monitor and count. The disappointing aspect of FPTP is the difficulty of small parties gaining traction. However, if the policies are good and the candidates sound, there should be no problem. I have stood for and lost a few, yet won in another as the policies and presentation resonated with residents.
    Proxy votes should only be for a spouse or ONE child to prevent household block votes. Also by banning postal votes that are unverifiable, it also means that we know who cast the vote, unlike the current corrupt unverifiable mosque-whipped mass Muslim postal votes that are a recipe for electing scumbags.
    One last matter, I would also ban the use of public money to fund any religious, political or cultural groups as this is tantamount to bribery. This would extend to Councils buying those votes in future.
    I now belog to the Heritage Party led by David Kurten, the man who should be mayor for London.

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 15, 2021 at 6:58 am |

      You make some very good points about how corruptible postal and electronic voting has become. Agree also on the issue of FPTP it has both advantages and disadvantages. The phenomenon of lefty students skewing votes in university towns and landing working residents with the sort of left wing scummery that is seen in places like Bristol is damaging to those places. I agree with you that postal votes should be confined to the genuinely disabled and those serving in the military, anything else invites fraud.

      I agree with you on the funding of religious and communal organisations. For example the CST has become less trustworthy and less connected with the job it’s supposed to be doing since it started getting Home Office grants in 2015. When our child had his Upsherin we eschewed the idea of having CST doing door security and instead opted to pay from our own pockets for a former cage fighter to manage the security.

      Some of the Heritage Party policies look good and Mr Kurten could do a darn sight better job of managing London than the appalling Khan.

  3. BBC and C4 News thrashing around crying and howling with rage

    BBC’s overt bias in its reporting, maybe I’m wrong about this, yet this headline made me think the BBC is not reporting objectively:

    Trump impeachment: Senate falls short of majority needed to convict

    To me, that reads almost as a criticism of the Senate for failing to convict, as though the Senate has let us down. They could just have reported, say “Impeachment trial – Trump acquitted”. But that would have delivered a very different message

    C4 News Donald Trump acquitted by US Senate for a second time

    BBC & C4: Activist’s masquerading as journalist’s

    Great news

    Senate votes to acquit Trump in impeachment trial

    Former President Trump released a brief statement saying “this has been another phase of the greatest witch hunt in history.”

    Then along comes Mr Miserable
    Sen. Mitch McConnell (Rep) delivered remarks on the floor of the Senate following the impeachment trial calling Trump’s actions a ‘disgraceful dereliction of duty.”

    Mitch McConnell and the other six GoP turncoats Must be expelled. McConnell reminds me of “establishment” Heath, Hurd, Heseltine, Cameron… and their ‘plebs don’t matter, it’s for the greater good’ attitude

    McConnell is the poster child for term limits. Between him and Pelosi, it’s a toss up, who’s worse, they both need to go, along with Schumer, Durbin and the too many other ones that have been there for a lifetime

    Your thoughts?

    @Jon MC
    MSM denying Biden ballot fraud was horrendous. It is obvious to all that a voter turnout of over 80% is questionable, over 100% and even over 120% in some counties is blatant fraud

    Who can forget the suitcases of ballots dragged out from under table and counted in a Closed Empty counting centre

    Courts refusing to hear cases due to fear of Antifa revenge shows USA is now a mob rule dictatorship and impact on UK and world will be hugely damaging

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 15, 2021 at 6:43 am |

      The BBC won’t let me read that link but knowing what I know about the BBC, it’s highly likely that they would take the same or a similar line towards Trump’s acquittal as they did towards the vote to leave the EU.

      Completely agree that there are some in the US Congress who are as you say poster children for term limits. The problem is that some of these swamp creatures are still there because of voter apathy.

      The MSM lost a lot of trust and respect over the last US presidential election. I don’t believe that every tale of ballot fraud is true but enough are to warrant accusations of fraud.

  4. @FH
    Strange BBC blocking you, I thought you were in UK

    A little tip: search title

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