Arrests and charges in attack on Rabbi – Definitely not Methodists again.

The location of Chigwell where a recent attack on a Rabbi occurred.


When I heard that an assistant Rabbi in Chigwell in the East London / Essex area had been attacked by two assailants who were described as ‘Asian’, I thought ‘I bet these guys are not mentally disturbed Methodists’. Of course I was correct and it will come as no surprise to know that the two people who have been charged with this attack are people (term used very loosely here) with very identifiable Muslim names.

I’m also completely unsurprised to find out that the two men charged with the attack are from Ilford in the rapidly Islamising (with the help of the Labour Party of course) London Borough of Redbridge. What I am surprised about is that Essex Police, on whose patch Chigwell is, managed to get these two so quickly. I can’t help but wonder if these arrests would have been so swift had it been the Metropolitan Police in charge of this investigation? Having seen the bent and biased way that the Met has policed their area recently it’s difficult to shake the feeling that without the massive public outcry that has erupted over the way that the Met have policed these Jew hate filled ‘Palestine’ demos, the Met would not have been so swift to arrest the alleged miscreants in the Chigwell case.

Here’s part of a report on the case from The Daily Mail newspaper:

Abderrahman Brahimi, 25, and Souraka Djabouri, 18, from Ilford, east London, had been arrested for the attack on Rafi Goodwin in Chigwell.

Rabbi Goodwin, 31, was attacked with an unknown item following a verbal altercation in Limes Avenue, near his synagogue, shortly after 1.15pm on Sunday.

The Mail stated that these two have been charged withwounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, robbery and religiously aggravated criminal damage.’

Oooh what a surprise – not – Muslim names in connection to an attack on a Jew motivated it seems by Jew hatred.

Equally unsurprising – and completely unbelievable – is an alleged police claim below that this attack has nothing to do with the Jew hating pro-’Palestinian’ demos in London and elsewhere.

The Mail added

Police said they did not believe the incident was ‘related to events taking place overseas or incidents which have taken place elsewhere in the country’.

Sniff, sniff. Do you smell bullshit? A really strong smell of police bullshit, or should that be pigshit? Yes that’s right you can smell police bullshit. Either this attack on a Rabbi, allegedly by Muslims was the result of a massive and unlikely coincidence that it occurred at the same time as when other Muslims were running around the UK doing their ‘kill the Jews’ shtick or there is a connection between the Jew hating pro-’Palestine’ lot and this incident and the police are lying. I wonder what it could be?

This is going to be a case to watch when it comes to court, if it comes to court that is, as we must not discount the possibility that the CPS may, for possible ‘community cohesion’ reasons, quietly drop the case. Of course this pair are to be considered as innocent until proven guilty or unless they plead guilty and it is for a court to decide what happens to them if that is the case. But if they are convicted I wonder what sort of sentence they will get? I suspect that any sentence that this pair or those like them get may well be considerably less severe than the courts have dished out over the very many ‘hurty words’ cases that have come before the courts over the last few years. I’d lay money on the fact that if convicted for this attack on a Rabbi, the assailants would probably get less of a sentence than a burglar, a low level weed dealer or someone convicted of a motoring offence. They would certainly get less than if they were non Muslim and had attacked an Imam (not that people should do such a disgraceful thing) and that observation quite frankly sums up all that has gone wrong with the British legal system over the last two decades.

2 Comments on "Arrests and charges in attack on Rabbi – Definitely not Methodists again."

  1. The problem is partially due to the fact that the CPS like vast swathes of the public sector are run by leftist Common Purpose types who make politically motivated decisions. This swamp needs to be drained which the Tories are too cowardly or indifferent to undertake.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 21, 2021 at 12:27 pm |

      Spot on there. The Left, or rather the Middle Class Left, has captured the institutions and utterly destroyed them.

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