I feel cheated. Where’s all the negative stuff I was ‘warned’ about?


I feel really really cheated. I’ve recently been for my Coronavirus vaccination and I’ve had none of the scary stuff that I had been promised would happen to me by various moonbats ranging from David Icke to anti vaccination grifters like Joseph Mercola or that member of the Kennedy family that came last when the familial brains were handed out. There’s been no physical or mental ill effects and the scare stories about nanochips, magnets sticking to the injection site, genetic reprogramming or any of the rest of it are just that, scare stories by those with anti-science and anti-vaccination agendas. Also no matter which orifice I insert the PL259 plug  I still can’t pick up the shortwave band or 5G without an appropriate radio receiver and Windows 10 is still an awful pile of crap post vaccination.

Contrary to what the anti vaccination types have been saying would happen I didn’t die straight after my jab. Didn’t have a stroke, blood clot, heart attack nor have I suffered from any visual, auditory, digestive or other dysfunction as a result of the covid jab. I didn’t suffer any ill effects apart from a bit of soreness around the injection site. This injection was I have to say considerably less traumatic than either my Hep B or TB vaccinations that I had many years ago. I’ve had no headaches or muscle pains despite these being listed as common side effects. I expected to get some side effects as I went and had my jab whilst suffering from the tail end of a particularly nasty cold and assumed that the jab may bring the symptoms of the cold, which included muscle aches and the shivers, back. But this did not happen.

Although I’m loathe to praise any aspect of Britain’s NHS because I believe that there are better and more efficient and humane ways of providing comprehensive healthcare to the nation’s citizens, I have to praise the vaccination centre staff. They accurately and completely answered my questions about whether or not I should be vaccinated because of the cold that I was recovering from and even took my temperature to ascertain that I was not suffering from any fever that could have precluded being vaccinated. There was not any hint of coercion about this vaccine at the vaccination centre. The vaccination staff went to great lengths to impress on me that this was entirely voluntary and I could get up and walk away unvaccinated if that was what I chose to do.

I agreed to be vaccinated as I do not want Covid again (it really laid me and my wife out badly last time) or at least if I do get it again want the protection from the worst of it that vaccination will give. I based my decision to be vaccinated not on government propaganda but from extensive reading of stuff by credible medics and molecular biologists, some of which can be found at sites like Science Based Medicine and Respectful Insolence. I understood from reading such sources of information amongst others, that the covid vaccine was not developed in any sort of unseemly haste and neither was it pushed untested onto the world. The covid vaccine is the result of at least a decades worth of research that has gone on into coronaviruses since the SARS outbreak earlier this century and developments over that period with regards to mRNA vaccines. For those who are interested, what I found out is that although mRNA vaccines have only been a reality for a relatively short time, the idea that mRNA could be used as a vaccination technique has been a theoretical possibility since the early to mid 1970’s. It is only since the late 1990’s onwards that laboratory techniques have advanced enough to make the dreams of the microbiologists of the 1970’s a practical reality.

What I have discovered is that the work of real scientists in developing covid vaccines is far and away more true and provable than the claims of various anti vaccination moonbats. Whilst I still believe that the UK government has handled many aspects of coronavirus wrongly and damagingly to both society and the economy, but vaccine development and roll out is not one of those things that I can criticise. Where I will direct my ire is at those who believe the most outrageous and science free bullshit about covid vaccines not because they are opposed to this particular vaccination but to all vaccinations.

I’ve seen some seriously demented stuff out there about covid vaccines and the vast majority of them appear to come from either those who are implacably opposed to vaccination per se or who have a very large collection of highly polished tin foil hats in their homes. Guff like how the vaccine ‘sheds’ covid infection despite there being no biomechanical way that this can happen with mRNA vaccines is still being promulgated by both hardline anti vaxxers and also sadly by writers whose styles I admire but whose views on vaccines I do not. As I’ve pointed out before, the dishonesty of some of these antivaxxers is astonishing, even going so far as to misrepresent covid vaccines by both cherry picking data and hiding dates and authors of scientific papers for their own ends.

The various tin foil hat types and anti vax activists have been proven to be both less than honest and also completely wrong with their predictions when it comes to the covid vaccines. Not one of their predictions about them have come true. Those deaths that have occurred following vaccination are invariably coincidental and unavoidable when massive numbers of individuals being vaccinated are concerned. With millions of people being vaccinated, coincidental deaths are bound to happen and these deaths are being blamed by anti vaxxers on the covid vaccine, despite there being no real evidence to prove their claims.

I do not trust this government on much, I believe that they could have done much more to prevent the spread of covid and its effects by, for example, restricting entry to the UK from overseas and they have created suspicion by doing things that arouse suspicions in those inclined to be suspicious, such as not mandating post mortems for those suspected of dying from Covid. Britain did not forbid post mortems when AIDS first appeared as the scientific world needed the knowledge that such post mortems of AIDS sufferers could bring. I believe that more post mortems of those who have died from suspected covid might have given the public more solid information and therefore more confidence in government statements about death rates, physical effects and other issues pertaining to covid.

Without a doubt the government has cocked up the covid issue badly but the vaccines have been a major success. Since vaccines were rolled out we have seen a massive drop in deaths from covid and infection rates seem to be on a similar trajectory. I said at the very beginning of this crisis that the only real way out of this situation is via vaccination. After all it is vaccination that has removed the scourge of Smallpox from the world and which has almost vanquished Polio. Vaccination looks like it will turn covid from a killer to an endemic and less dangerous disease and the developments that have been made in vaccination which has brought us the covid vaccines may well end up serving humanity again in the future either when the next pandemic occurs (something very likely) or maybe even to use against conditions such as HIV. The world has been very lucky. The fruition of mRNA vaccines came at the right time for covid. If covid had hit in the mid to late 1990’s this technology would not have existed and the death toll from covid may well have been far far higher than it has been.

At the end of the day you have to look at the evidence, look at the claims, look at the science and decide for yourself who to believe. I looked at the science, I looked at the wild and disprovable claims from the anti vaccination community and decided that I’d trust more in vaccination and the science behind it, than someone wearing a tin foil hat.