From Elsewhere: When Bobby Kennedy went to Israel.


The modern day mainstream media, whether in the USA or the United Kingdom would have you believe that Israel is always the aggressor when it comes to conflicts in that region. The MSM is backed up in its view by the political Left who, since the 1967 war that allowed Israel to reclaim Jerusalem and the Judea and Shomron areas on the west bank of the Jordan River, have ceased to see Israel as a ‘plucky little nation’ but instead as an awful and oppressive hegemon.

These views are in my view completely shattered by archival information in the form of newspaper articles written by the late Robert ‘Bobby’ Kennedy, brother of assassinated US President John F Kennedy, who was himself assassinated by a ‘Palestinian’ in the late 1960’s. These articles, in a now defunct American newspaper which have been compiled and published by Lenny Ben-David of the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs, are absolutely fascinating as they are a record of what the situation was like immediately prior to the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

Bobby Kennedy

The articles by Bobby Kennedy tell us a lot about not just the absolute and maniac hostility from elements in the Arab community, along with their murderous hatred towards Jews, but also how Britain attempted to shaft the Jews of what became Israel. It is incredibly shaming, as a Briton, to read about how the British management of Mandate Palestine really did earn for themselves the epithet of ‘Perfidious Albion’. British police in Palestine actively engaged in what is today called Islamopandering and in some cases waved through checkpoints Arabs who confessed when stopped by police of bombing Jewish assets and organisations. This aspect certainly shows that there has been a long standing pro-Arab and pro-Islam attitude in places like the Colonial and later the Foreign Office and that those who held this attitude would have been quite happy to see Israel fail, even if that failure involved the slaughter of Jews by Arabs.

You can read the full set of the archived articles by Bobby Kennedy via the link below: