More murkiness from Batley and Spen


The miasma of disgust that the divisive, communal interest driven byelection in Batley and Spen has created appears to have got even worse and even more noisome than I at first thought possible.

According to a report published by Guido Fawkes, the Jo Cox Foundation, of which Ms Cox’s sister Kim Leadbetter was acting as an ambassador, gave a donation of £1000 to a charity that is linked to the doxing of a Batley teacher who has been the subject of death threats from Muslims because he used a cartoon of the Islamic ‘prophet’ in a classroom discussion.

The donation, to the charity ‘Purpose of Life’ which allegedly doxed the teacher, was ostensibly to be used to purchase office equipment for this charity’s food bank activities. What’s worse to my mind is that this donation was not made before the charity became involved in the Islam-driven hate fest against the teacher, but after, when the furore was in full flood.

Guido said:

Here’s the kicker: Kim Leadbeater, who if elected MP on Thursday would represent the under-siege teacher, was an ambassador at the Jo Cox Foundation when the donation was made – and wouldn’t go on to step down from the role under her candidate selection on May 13th. Does Kim believe the donation should have been made? Did she object at the time?

Well said there Guido. Ms Leadbetter was in a position of if not authority at least in one of influence when the Jo Cox Foundation dished out this money to the teacher doxers. It is as Guido said a relevant question to ask Ms Leadbetter about whether she knew about this donation or did she have any objections?

The Batley and Spen byelection is turning into an illustration of all that is awful about communal religious politics in particular and our broken political system and parties in general.