Co-morbidities with gender dysphoria. Not just depression but also and more worryingly paraphilias as well.


It’s rare that this blog covers a similar subject in three consecutive articles on the same day but such is the case today with regarding the issue of Gender Ideology. I have every sympathy for those who suffer from the mental illness that is Gender Dysphoria, it must be a horrific internal torture of the mind to believe that you are something that you are not.

I’m very much in favour of this condition being treated as effectively as possible, although I have grave doubts based on various studies, whether transitioning is the best, most effective or even the most compassionate treatment for the majority of those adults who suffer from Gender Dysphoria. Every reasonably independent study and article that I’ve seen of outcomes for transition (see article list below) shows me that the outcomes of transition when the patients are followed up are not good and in some cases it can be a cure that is worse than the disease itself. Even in cases where the patient has not regretted their transition, many of the psychological, social and relationship problems that the person may have had still remain. That’s not to say that there are not success stories from among those who transition, there are and I’ve met a few, it’s just that the number of people helped by transitioning to get away from whatever ails them is just that, few.

There appear to be significant co-morbidities that coexist alongside transgenderism in a person that are too often not taken into account and I believe that because transgenderism and transition is currently trendy in a similar manner to how lobotomies were trendy sixty or so years ago, too many people are being classed as transgender. Just as the neurosurgeons of the past would have reached for the lobotomy tools when confronted with a patient with mental illness so do modern gender clinics reach for the hormones and the blades when presented with a person with apparent Gender Dysphoria. This I believe is a mistake.

I believe that if doctors really want to cure an apparent case of transgenderism then they should look at what underlies the surface presentation of gender non-conformity. I also am of the belief that curing the psychological ills that afflict a person might be better for many individuals than surgery and medication that may not be completely effective, have complications or which may render the individual much more vulnerable to conditions such as cardio vascular or bone diseases that they might not have had if they had not transitioned.

It’s pretty plain to me both from talking to trans friends, reading literature that is both pro and anti gender ideology that the self hatred of the body that seems to manifest itself in a desire to change gender may either be a cover for or a false manifestation of other problems. I’m not just talking about things like depression or an inability to form romantic or social relationships here, although there are a lot of trans people who seem to have these as problems. There are also appear to be a disproportionate number of people who identify as trans whose co-morbidities seem to comprise of some serious and destructive paraphilias. Of course not every trans person will have such paraphilias or negative personality traits, but we should not ignore the fact that such as small group of people which are those who identify as trans, produce so many individuals who are linked to so many violent and sexual crimes.

I’ve been reading through the website Trans Crime UK which monitors crimes committed by those who claim to be transgender or who have medically transitioned either wholly or partially and it makes worrying reading. As of 2018 there were approximately 500k Britons who could reasonably be identified as transgender of one form or another. However a search of the Trans Crime UK site showed that there were 94 cases of child sexual abuse where the abuser was identified as Trans, 99 cases of rape / sexual assault with adult victims, 37 cases of murder/manslaughter and 85 assault/wounding cases. Now there is some overlap with these cases with offenders or alleged offenders being accused or convicted of more than one offence for example one individual could be charged with both a wounding and a child or adult sex offence. Also some who have been accused were acquitted. However even with this caveat the number of people who identify as transgender who are accused of or convicted of serious violent or sexual offences looks massive and indeed massively disproportionate when set alongside the relatively small number of transgenders in the UK today.

Now I need to reiterate the statement that which I made earlier which is not every trans person is a criminal and I do so in order that innocent trans people are not blamed for crimes that they have nothing to do with But there do seem to be an awful lot of individuals, mostly male to female transgenders, who are carrying out an awful lot of violent crime and crimes related to sexual and physical abuse.

It’s quite possible that some of the disproportionality is down to certain criminals suddenly and falsely ‘discovering’ after arrest or whilst on remand they are transgender in order to get more lenient sentence from a legal system that panders to the trans cult. We can’t discount this as a factor in why the numbers of trans criminals is so huge and out of proportion to the majority society. However we should ask and more specifically be allowed to ask just why so many violent men and men who choose to abuse the vulnerable have transgenderism alongside their violent tendencies and their paraphilias?

If social or medical transitioning is not curing the normal transsexual or transgender person of their psychological hurts, as we can all see, then why is it not ameliorating the violent or abusive tendencies of the mad and the bad? Maybe as more people transition more dodgy individuals are choosing to transition or maybe it could be the case that transitioning is a cure that fails to cure?


Trans Crimes UK

Psychology Today article on the gender reassignment controversy

Why Transgender Science is Junk Science from an Italian Feminist magazine

Bad Transgender Stats from same source as above

Conservative commentary on the bad outcomes of transgender treatments