The Ivermectin grift revealed.


I wondered what the financial motivation would be for quacks like the American Front Line Doctors (AFLD) to promote failed ‘cures’ for covid like Ivermectin. Someone must be making money out of this quackery I thought. There just had to be some reason why the sort of quacks who believe, as does one of the AFLD members that certain uterine diseases were caused by ‘demon sperm’ entering women’s bodies while they slept, would push an anti parasitical drug as a cure for a viral disease like Covid?

Well the Intercept magazine has received information from a hacker that clearly shows that a lot of people have made an awful lot of money by selling both the useless, for Covid that is, drug Ivermectin. A significant amount of money has also been made by those associated with AFLD out of selling telemedicine consultations and prescription services to anti-vaxxers and those who are gullible to believe the anti vaccination propaganda and want to buy into the worthless quackery that is Ivermectin as a cure for covid.

The Intercept article shows some of the extent of the Ivermectin grift and it runs into the millions of US Dollars. In addition, some of those who bought into the Ivermectin fraud, haven’t even received their Ivermectin snake oil.

This is a brilliant piece of investigative journalism by the Intercept, although I have a few criticisms of it. My criticism is mainly how the Intercept article treats all suspicion of the medical sector and of pharmaceuticals as coming from the Right. That’s not the case as there are a lot of hippies and ‘granola belt’ types who are equally enamoured of the ‘natural health’ and anti vaccination movements. In addition to that there are also a number of Black Americans who lean to the political Left who, for solid historical reasons, do not trust the medical establishment whether it be for covid or anything else. Apart from those reservations this article was a good illustration of how quacks like America’s Front Line Doctors are linked to dispensing pharmacies and how the covid snake oil sellers are getting very rich exploiting the stupidity of others.