RIP Sir David Amess

Southend West MP Sir David Amess was murdered today by a man who walked into his constituency surgery in Leigh on Sea and stabbed him to death.   May the memory of Sir David be for a blessing.

6 Comments on "RIP Sir David Amess"

  1. Shocking. A friend to the community who will be deeply missed. Once again, no description of the murderer.
    What got my goat was the CST saving that he’d “passed away”. Why can they not tell it like it is. Sir David was MURDERED.
    It’s like whenever there’s a clash in Israel, Palestinians are killed, yet Israeli die.
    This awful soft language used to camouflage reality. George Carlin got it right.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 17, 2021 at 5:28 am |

      I do wonder whether Sir David’s friendship to Israel and to the Jewish community might have motivated this savage to murder him? I also noticed the lack of early description, something I don’t seem to recall happening when Jo Cox was murdered.

      I didn’t see the CST comments but it sounds like something that this organisation would say in its present form. I used to be fully supportive of the CST up until recently. They seem to have gone awfully soft on certain issues and it appears to have been that way since they started to take government funding. I’ve no problem with the individuals who do the guard work but I do have an issue with the management of the organisation especially since they started working with some questionable Islamic groups. Because of that when my boy had his Upsherin and associated party I didn’t want the CST providing security (something sadly necessary these days) and instead we hired our own private security guard.

      Edit: Quick bit of info to those readers who don’t know what an Upsherin is

  2. Sheikh,

    RIP Sir David. One of the good men in politics.

    The investigation is now being led by anti-terror police, and the murderer was, according to the Daily Mail, described by witnesses as “Somalian”.

    Obviously I hesitate to make assumptions or jump to conclusions, but…

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 17, 2021 at 5:19 am |

      Ted have you seen the Left’s reaction to this Murder. Absolutely disgusting. I’ve at least waited ten days before I dug into therepuation of a dead politico, these bastards were celebrating as soon as the news came out. Even Old Holborn, who’s pretty bulletproof when it comes to stuff that some find distasteful, walked away from Twitter for the day in disgust saying that Twitter was a ‘sewer’ because of the Lefties.

      It’s now been confirmed that the murderer was a Somali Muslim.

  3. How sickening to hear the Labour politicians now paying lip service to safety for MPs when only a few days ago the deputy leader of the labour party was calling Conservatives scum.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 17, 2021 at 4:09 pm |

      Spot on there. However there are some Labour MP’s who are talking a little bit of sense. Charlotte Nichols MP for Warrington North said: “Any public facing role- whether it’s politicians, retail staff or emergency services workers- sadly carries significant risk.
      While it’s right we’re talking about politicians safety (in light of this week’s tragedy), I think we need a much wider & fuller public conversation here”
      She’s right that we should have a broader and fuller conversation and it should start by asking why there are 43,000 mostly Islamic extremists either in Britain or able to walk the streets. These extremists are a threat to everyone, politician or not, Muslim or non Muslim, Christian or Jew, Shopkeeper or nightclub punter.

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