This is why they are called ‘filth’ – Part Two


Please read Part One first which can be found HERE.

In Part One of this article I noted and described how as the police have become more associated in the public’s mind with enforcing political correctness, more ordinary British people are now more inclined to use the word ‘filth’ to describe the police. We now have more non-criminal Britons more willing to use a word to describe the police that was once the preserve of the criminal element in society. That should tell us a worrying truth. However as I said in the earlier piece, such disdain for the police is somewhat understandable when the police have become the enforcers of political correctness and become willing accomplices of those who want to use ‘hate speech’ laws to shut down everything from debate to humour.

Moving away from the subject of the police acting as hired thugs for the more extreme members of the Cult of Trans which was covered in the previous article, it’s time to proceed to another example of politically correct policing. This is one that will without doubt cause more ordinary Britons to not only despise the police for what they’ve become but also cause more of them to refer to the police as ‘filth’.

During a recent football match between England and Hungary there was an alleged incident that caused the Metropolitan Police to storm into the Hungary supporters. Some MSM outlets are reporting that this was because one of the Hungary supporters made a racialist comment about a Steward which caused the Met to storm in. However other reports, which I have not verified but put a different spin on things and should therefore be considered as possible causes of the police intervention, stated that the Met went in hard with batons drawn over an anti kneeling banner being flown by the Hungarian fans. You can see a claimed image of the anti-kneeling banner in the image below which comes from a Twitter feed that monitors football hooliganism.

It’s well known that the gesture of kneeling has at its heart a lot less to do with the laudable idea of equality between races and much more to do with promoting the Marxist politics of the Black Lives Matter movement. I’m not at all surprised to find that the Hungarians are flying banners that expressly criticise a gesture that is now indelibly linked with Marxist politics. After all the Hungarians suffered from having to live under the jackboot of Communism for 44 years, from 1945 when the Communists seized the country to 1989 when the Communists were finally booted out. In that time between 45 and 89, hundreds of thousands of Hungarians perished in gulags or prisons during the early period of Communist rule and 20,000 additional Hungarians died during and after the Hungarian Uprising in 1956 which challenged Communist rule. The Hungarians have some very good and solid reasons to despise Marxism and Communism and also to despise those campaigns and gestures that are associated with Communism, such as kneeling for the BLM/Marxist cause. Maybe if Britain had been brutally ruled by Communism as Hungary and many other Eastern European nations had been for so long, then we also might have less tolerance of Communism and Communist campaigns. We would certainly be able to spot crypto-Communist groups like BLM and treat them accordingly, even if we were committed to such things as racial equality.

Here’s two videos that originated from the hooligan monitoring account that show the police’s actions at the England vs Hungary match.


Now of course I cannot condone any alleged racial chanting at the Steward, it’s not on, but the police’s action here in charging the crowd, batons drawn allegedly in order to grab the anti-kneeling banner is an example, another one sadly, of how the police will turn out heavily tooled up to enforce political correctness whilst doing sod all in other areas. Like many other Britons I condemn any racial chanting aimed at Black footballers and I celebrate the fact that in the UK this is mostly a thing of the past. Whilst there might be the occasional incident of monkey chants and bananas being thrown on the pitch at football games on the Continent, this has not been a major problem in the UK for years. Meritocracy has killed off racism in English football as nobody really cares whether their chosen teams goal is scored by a player who is black or white or polka dotted. It’s the goal for the team that counts.

However what seems to have motivated the police to storm into the crowd and thereby inflame a situation into violence is the Hungarian fans refusal to go along with the Marxist kneeling, booing it and displaying a banner showing their opposition to such Marxist kneeling. It was a desire to be seen enforcing political correctness that propelled the police into the crowd of Hungarians and as you can see from the first video, the police got pushed back by people who were not going to take any shit from the Met Police.

I must admit I was very surprised to see the police retreat from the Hungarians but then the police have got very used to having a cowed and compliant population to deal with and sometimes to bully. But we also have the situation where we have police forces that are more concerned with ‘pronouns’ and sitting on Twitter searching for ‘offence’ than fighting real crime and who have forgotten how to police in a common sense way. For example: If the claims that there had been racialist chanting aimed at a Steward at the Hungary match were correct then what should have happened is that the police should have used the copious CCTV footage at the match and the information provided by police spotters to identify the miscreants and nick them as they left the stands. Such a course of action might have meant that one of more of the miscreants escaped but it would not have heightened tensions and incited violence in such a great degree as the police storming in and virtue signalling with batons ended up doing.

As an aside, the Met do not seem to be getting a resounding round of applause on social media for their actions at the game. On this thread, the police are being mocked for their apparent weakness, their rainbow painted police cars, their obsession with ‘thought crime’, the difference between their actions here and when BLM/Marxists riot or women protest at their lack of safety on the streets of London. Other commenters drew attention to the police willingness to get stuck in when there’s political incorrectness on display and their failure to tackle the eco-terrorists of the Insulate Britain group. Maybe the police should ‘read the room’ and realise that Britons recognise the need for policing but want that policing to be equitable, proportional and governed by strict impartiality and not political expediency. What should worry the police is that in threads like these the police are being held in contempt because of their wokeness and left wing bias. One person said that ‘the police have become weak policing the tweets and not the streets’. Sadly it’s difficult to disagree with sentiments like that.

If you are a resident of London then maybe you should look at the actions of these Met police officers and do some thinking. You should remember that these officers, who were available in massive numbers to storm into the stands allegedly to remove an anti-kneeling banner are the same officers who refuse to come out to you when you call. They are the same officers who refuse to come out when you are burgled or have your car stolen or broken into. They are the same officers who are rarely seen walking your increasingly crime afflicted streets, they are the same officers who will do little to aid you if you are affected by theft from your business and they are the same officers who have let London become an unsafe place for you and your children. It’s right that you be concerned that there are dozens of officers available to steam in with batons drawn in order to enforce political correctness but who are either unwilling or unable to help you when you are in serious need.

It’s these twisted priorities, the priority to enforce political correctness and to cow Britons into silence that is driving the increasing number of Britons willing to call the police ‘filth’. Personally I really don’t like it but I can see why it is happening.

We all, no matter what our race, religion or viewpoint is, deserve much better policing than we currently get. We need policing that is less concerned with targeting women who hold to the biological fact that only women possess a cervix or who is ‘offended’ or the benefits of kneeling for Marxist causes. We need police officers who, without fear or favour, will uphold the law, keep us all safe and guard our freedoms. The longer we don’t have such a force the greater will be the depth of division between ‘us’ the British subject and ‘them’ the police force. I would go so far to say that it is the division between we the people and they the police that is creating a situation where more and more normal people are becoming more and more comfortable with ‘othering’ the police by using the word filth to describe them a word that was once only used by the criminal fraternity to describe the police.

I don’t hate the police, with my background in working closely with them, dating a police officer’s daughter and providing images for their trade magazines, I would find it difficult to do so. But what I do hate is what the police have become and believe that change is needed before the division between police and people becomes worse than it already is. A police force that has batons for the politically incorrect but which fobs off victims of real crime with bullshit excuses and an air of indolence, is not one that can easily or justifiably be respected.