Money down the drain on virtue signalling.

The lowest rate of council tax in the London Borough of Camden is £1,146 per year for a small Band A property rising to £3,438 for the highest level Band H property.  This money should be spent on stuff that local residents both need and want, not spunked up the wall on worthless and pointless virtue signalling like this.  There’s no damned need for a special ‘trans’ flag pedestrian crossing it doesn’t help one extra pedestrian cross the road safely but it does provide an opportunity for councillors to wave their virtue signalling willies around using other people’s money.

What a disgraceful and disgusting waste of taxpayers money.   It probably cost hundreds, possibly thousands to paint this monstrosity on the road, money that might be better spent on something more worthwhile.


2 Comments on "Money down the drain on virtue signalling."

  1. Not to mention that this crossing does not conform to the regulations. If anyone is injured on this crossing, believing that it is a designated road crossing for pedestrians, the council is liable to be sued. A civil case against Danny Beales would be interesting.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 13, 2021 at 6:23 pm |

      There might be some interesting legal cases if someone gets injured on one of these virtue signalling crossings.

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