Tories take polling hit.


For the first time in months the Tories have lost ground to Labour in the opinion polls. It does not appear that the Tories have lost potential voters to Labour, more like a situation where those voters who would normally vote Tory are just not supporting the Tory Party. There has been some uptick in votes for the Greens but this probably comes from all the massive amounts of greeny propaganda that people are being fed due to COP26. This Green figure may drop down when people start to realise just how much the Green’s ‘lack of energy’ policies will cost them. The Greens are authoritarian Communists at heart and I can’t see voters who support conservative ideals dumping the Tories for the Greens because of this.

As for what has caused the drop in Tory support I don’t believe that it is entirely due to Paterson related sleaze. After all we’ve had months and months of sleaze from this government and it hasn’t hurt the Tory Party’s polling figures so far. What may well be happening is people realising that they’ve been conned by the Tories. The vast majority of people voted for conservative policies which include securing energy supplies, tackling crime, protecting our borders, being fiscally responsible and dealing with the damage that is being done by the wokeists. The problem for many of us is the Tories have done none of these things. They’ve failed to protect the supply of affordable energy to Britons, failed to secure the borders or deal with increasing levels of crime, have pissed money up the wall like a drunken sailor on shore leave and failed to deal with the left’s destructive march through the institutions.

The Tories have failed to live up to the expectations that we had of them and the promises that they made to us. This is why they are dropping in the polls.