Which side are the Labour Party on? Unfortunately it’s now obvious it’s not yours.


Imagine if you will that you are at the centre of the following scenario. You are the parent of a child who is getting death threats from violent Muslims because your child has been accused by Muslim activists, of some ‘blasphemy’ against Islam bullshit. You and your child have had to go into hiding because of death and arson threats dished out by members of the woefully misnamed ‘religion of peace’. You’ve also been subjected, with the connivance of the police, who’ve taken the side of the Muslims, to some sort of show trial in a mosque where you have to beg for your child’s life from the very same community that is dishing out the death and arson threats.

The above scenario is not a fantasy, it’s not a tale of some future authoritarian social dystopia that could have come from the pen of someone like Phillip K Dick, but is the reality of life for a Wakefield mother and her autistic 14 year old boy. This is where we are now in Britain with the police refusing to prosecute Islamic death threat mongers and mothers being expected to debase themselves in front of audiences of Muslims by begging for their child’s life. Every agency from the local council to the police have failed dismally to either protect a boy who did nothing wrong or refrain from pandering to the local Islamic community.

In such a situation, many would expect that in the event of crimes by Muslims, such as death threats, going unpunished or uninvestigated by the police and the true victim in this case, the boy who was subjected to threats of Islamic violence, being thrown under the proverbial bus by the school and local authority, that one of the local Members of Parliament would stand up for the boy. After all it is to your local Member of Parliament whom we should take issues that cannot be resolved by the local authority or other agencies.

Unfortunately one of the local Labour MP’s, Simon Lightwood, has failed to do the right thing and stand up to this victimised boy. Worse than that he’s basically put out a letter that is not just a pointless leftist word salad, but one that does not recognise that in this case it is an innocent boy who has been wronged and that the local Muslims who are the wrongdoers. Here’s the letter courtesy of the political commentator Christopher Rose.

Let’s just fisk Mr Lightwood’s letter somewhat shall we. First up is his comments about how he has had ‘close contact’ with one of his Labour colleagues and Corbyn supporter Jon Trickett and local councillors. It doesn’t take much digging to see that Trickett is somewhat of a leftist hard liner and has form for unwarranted criticism of Israel and who backed another leftist, Rebecca Long-Bailey to succeed Jeremy Corbyn. Neither Trickett nor Lightwood are individuals whom I would trust to instinctively and morally correctly back up the child who has been victimised by local Muslims. Mr Lightwood has also said that he has contacted local councillors which for me raises the question as to whether he aimed any criticism of a Labour councillor who appeared to go out of his way to stir up local Muslims over this very minor ‘Koran scuffing’ incident or those Muslim councillors who took part in the show trial of the boy’s mother? My guess,judging by the tone of this letter is that he did not.

Mr Lightwood then went on to praise the school for ‘acting quickly’ over the Koran scuffing bullshit when in reality the school should be criticised for kow towing to the local Islamic headcases. Mr Lightwood also condemned what he called ‘hate speech’ and the ‘threats of violence from anyone’ although that’s clearly not the case here, as only one party in this incident has been dishing out threats of violence and that is the local Muslim headbangers. He then ended the letter by spouting the usual ‘diversity’ bullshit and empty words about tolerance and respect. There’s nothing in his letter condemning the Muslims who’ve issued death threats and I get the distinct impression from the letter that Mr Lightwood cares more for the local Muslim community than those, such as the harassed young boy, who are the victims of this community. Mr Lightwood’s letter also gives the impression that he’s more interested in crawling up the arses of the local Islamic community than protecting those who are genuinely in need of help. Also, Mr Lightwood refused to open up the Twitter feed in which he published his letter to public comment, which in the circumstances is a pretty cowardly thing to do.

Mr Lightwood and his letter highlights a great deal about what is wrong with today’s Labour Party. When the choice between protecting the rights and security of the oppressed or pandering to the local Islamic community, he appears to have chosen the latter. He’s shown us all that when the chips are down and people are getting death threats from Muslim headcases, the Labour Party will come down on the side of the Islamic headcases. Mr Lightwood could have done the correct and praiseworthy thing by specifically mentioning the death threats coming from the Islamic community, but he did not. This is disgraceful conduct from an elected member of an equally disgraceful Labour Party that has all but completely abandoned the working classes that this party was originally set up to support and fight for.




The noteworthy commentator Patrick O’Flynn has made an interesting comment about this case

Mr O’Flynn is correct.  Labour will not stand up to Islamists. If this is what Labour are like when in Opposition just think how much worse they will be if they were in government?

2 Comments on "Which side are the Labour Party on? Unfortunately it’s now obvious it’s not yours."

  1. Is the silence of Labour re Islamic threats a surprise to anyone?
    Given the widespread anti-Semitism of Islamic origin within that party expecting them to “stand up to Islamists” is like expecting them to saw off their own legs sans anaesthetic.
    Much of the labour party, especially at the local level, has been captured by these Upstanding Citizens (at least that is my interpretation of the never-ending litany of anti-semistism and the refusal of local parties to sanction anti-Semites, inflamers of racial and religious tensions etc.) and so Labour can’t – to do so would be political suicide. No one canvassing, supporting the MPs etc.

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 6, 2023 at 4:09 pm |

      I don’t think that this particular Labour MP could have crawled further up the local Islamic community’s arse. Disgraceful. There’s an obvious aggressor here and it aint the boy yet this Lab MP can’t bring himself to mention it.

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